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Opening Event 開幕節目

Lai Yan Chi's Drama ─ Women in Red (in Cantonese)


日期: 2018年3月8日(星期四)
時間: 晚上7時至9時30分
地點 : 嶺南大學陳德泰大會堂
演出: 賴恩慈女士
鳴謝: 好戲量
語言: 廣東話(中英文字幕)
ILP學分: 2.5 (美育發展)




從小劇場演至大劇院,進軍伊利沙伯體育館公演,獲過萬人次觀看,更於2017年獲邀參與荷蘭International Community Arts Festival上演英語版。


《女兒紅》是賴恩慈的一個女子的獨腳戲第四回,前作分別為《神奇女俠》、《講女》、《女人。型》。《女兒紅》當中的故事並非無中生有,而是過去在一人一故事劇場(Playback Theatre)所收集回來的,經故事分享者同意後,我們把故事劇場化,希望可以呈現更多不同的女子面貌,甚至是所面對的種種。






賴恩慈(Mo),電影及劇場編導、演員。熱心教育工作,關注香港社會問題。曾獲香港十大傑出青年、香港精神大使及香港藝術發展局藝術新秀獎(電影)等。現為「好戲量」劇團主席, 一毛製作有限公司藝術總監,浸會大學及嶺南大學客席講師。劇場代表作獨腳戲《女兒紅》曾於伊利沙伯體育館公演,並獲邀參與荷蘭國際社群藝術節上演英語版。執導的短片《1+1》及長片《N+N》率真而深刻,向社會拷問種種的不公義。前者獲鮮浪潮大獎及IFVA公開組金獎;後者入圍超過三十個國際影展並贏得多個國際電影獎項, 並在香港戲院特別放映超過一年。


過往演出片段│Highlights from the previous performance:


Date: 8 March 2018 (Thu)
Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Venue: Chan Tak Tai Auditorium, Lingnan University
Performer: Lai Yan Chi, Mo
Acknowledgement: FM Theatre Power
Language: Cantonese
ILP unit(s): 2.5 (Aesthetic Development)



Women in Red is a solo performance by actor, film maker and theatre director Mo Lai Yan-chi. Her performance consists of eight stories that she selected from many years of practicing Playback Theatre, a form of improvisational theatre that involves audience members telling their own stories and actors re-enacting them instantly for them on stage. In an interview with Varsity Magazine Mo Lai says: “Playback Theatre is lately gaining popularity in Hong Kong, although we at FM Theatre Power have been doing this for around a decade. […] The audiences come not just to watch a show, but to share their real-life stories. In these 10 years, I must have listened to several hundred stories – many of which have touched me or inspired me in their own ways. I hope that they will be heard by a larger audience, because these [storytellers’] lives have influenced mine. As an actress, I hope to bring these stories to more people.”

Woman in Red, which ran at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in 2014. Her theatrical work has won Lai many critical accolades, as well as leading to numerous opportunities for cultural exchanges abroad. Woman in Red was invited to perform at the International Community Arts Festival 2017 in Holland. 


About Ms Lai Yan Chi, Mo
Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection awardee, Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Award for Young Artist (Film), Chang Kuo-sin Award for Aspiring Young Communicators, the Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador, Hong Kong City Lady Award. 

She is a multimedia performer and artist. She has served as actress, playwright, producer, and director, frequently within the context of her work with the independent theatre company, FM Theatre Power. Lai also has several solo theatrical performances to her credit. She was also appointed by West Kowloon District Authority and Hong Kong Arts Development Council to conduct research on performance in public spaces at New York, San Francisco, Chicago and London.

Lai’s fil, works include the short <1 + 1> and the feature <N + N> . Both played at the Broadway Cinematheque and was a critical and popular success. <1+1> won the Best Film Award and Golden Award in two prestigious film competitions named Fresh Wave and IFVA respectively. <N+N> entered into almost 30 international film festivals and won numerous grand international awards.