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Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global Economics and Banking (Self-financed)

Programme Objectives 课程目的

Lingnan University draws on practices of other universities across the globe to offer its students with high-quality education comparable to the world’s leading liberal arts institutions. The aim of these practices is to instill a sense of civic duty in its students and to cultivate competences, skills and sensibilities that enable graduates to pursue their goals in a rapidly changing social, cultural and economic environment, be that in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, or the world. The philosophy of the BSSGEB Programme is consistent with that of the University, committing to nurturing global-minded students with the skills necessary to confront a wide array of problems.

岭南大学借鉴世界各地其他大学的做法,为学生提供可与世界领先的博雅教育院校相媲美的优质教育。其目的是为建立学生的公民意识,并培育他们的知识、技能及洞察力,使他们毕业后能在多元的社区—包括香港、大湾区以至世界各地—适应多变的社会、文化和经济环境,追求自己的目标。BSSGEB 课程的理念与大学的教育理念一致,致力于培养具有全球意识及应对各种问题所需技能的学生。


Aims of the Programme 课程目标
  • To instruct students with a solid understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge on global economics and banking;
  • To inform students of the most recent advancements in the fields of economics and banking so that they can adapt to the quickly evolving global economy;
  • To broaden students’ intellectual awareness for banking and finance beyond Hong Kong, especially to the Greater Bay Area and Asian-Pacific economies; and 
  • To ensure that students’ analytical and quantitative knowledge of economics, banking and finance will allow them to secure appropriate jobs upon graduation. 