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Lunch Time Barbershop Concert


Date: 5 March 2015 (Thu)
Time: 12:30 – 1:15pm
Venue: Skylight, Lingnan University
Performing Band: New Youth Barber Shop

About New Youth Barber Shop

Au Yueng has been playing guitar and writing songs since secondary school. As the story goes, all his works were stored in his computer which was crashed one day. Since then he has let himself loose and starting singing to any live body he sees. This goes on into his university years where he sings mostly to himself and his roomates. His singing has drawn the attention of many people to his dormitory, often followed by their complaints.

Faat has been an ardent theatre actor since his secondary school days, and has performed in 6 productions 2006 - 2011. Due to his over-the-top, self-centered and outrageous acting, his acting career has plummeted. Despite his loss of self-confidence due to his set back, Faat is still in love with acting and devotes his acting to the daily drama of his life.

Showroom, neither studying nor working, loves helping people, from which he obtains his existential presence. Despite his help has been rejected time and time again and hence without friends since secondary school, Showroom persists and buries himself in his design works which often show traces of his melancholy. Surprisingly his work actually brings freshness and happiness to people, which explains why Showroom is still enduring (enjoying?) the bullying from his friends.

Au Yeung, Faat and Showroom, the trio met each other in university in 2013 and hence the New Youth Barber Shop was born.


日期: 2015年3月5日 (星期四)
時間: 下午12時30分至1時15分
地點: 嶺南大學天幕廣場
演出: 新青年理髮廳




發仔,中學時代為一名舞台劇演員。在2006-2011年間,於《樹寧 現在式單位》參演近六個作品。由於演技過於浮誇、自我中心、不聽從導演指示,因而由演藝生涯的高峰急墮,一沉不起。自此缺乏自信,但仍然鍾情於戲劇,所以將戲劇的情懷投放於在生活當中,每一分每一秒都在演戲。

