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"Delta Four" Short Film Series and Dialogue with Film
Directors - Connection & Over The Wall

〈三角四方〉短片試映及導演對談系列 ─
《延長線》 及 《新填地翻牆》


Date: 19 March 2015 (Thu)
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Venue: MBG07, Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building, Lingnan University
Co-organiser: Core Curriculum and General Education Office, Lingnan University
Acknowledgements: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
  The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
Speakers: Mr WONG Siu-pong (Film Director)
  Ms KWONG Sum-yee, Anna (Architect)
Moderator: Prof LAU Chi-pang
ILP Unit(s): 2 (Civic Education)

Description of the series
Pearl River Delta is arguably one of the most complex, controversial and contemporary spatial developments in history and today. The "Delta Four" Series will present 4 short films capturing, through human eyes, stories and actors who live and move between these emerging locales and systems. Traveling through border and crossing, land and water, home and community, marriage and departure, an experience of Hong Kong and its neighbour cities shall be intertwined on screen.

日期: 2015年3月19日 (星期四)
時間: 下午5時30分至7時30分
地點: 嶺南大學李運強教學大樓MBG07 室
合辦: 嶺南大學核心課程及通識教育辦事處
鳴謝: 香港藝術發展局
講者: 黃肇邦先生 (電影導演)
  鄺心怡女士 (建築師)
主持: 劉智鵬教授
ILP學分: 2 (公民教育)

環顧古今中外,珠三角可能是最錯縱複雜、最具爭議的城巿營造之一。<三角四方> 系列程獻四段短片,捕捉遊走珠三角不同語境、制度下的眾生相。跨越各式邊界,水陸之間、家與社群、聚散離合、婚姻家庭種種關係之中,映照香港與周邊城巿之間的千絲萬縷。


Connection 《延長線》

Director: WONG Siu-pong 黃肇邦│Hong Kong│25mins 56sec
Language: Cantonese & Kaiping Dialect with English Subtitles 粵語、開平語輔英文字幕
Consultant: Mary Stephen

The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link and Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor connect people’s lives and work within the Pearl River Delta region. Three women from the same family, each representing their own generation, tell three different stories: in the 1960s, the grandmother moved to the south for her family; in the 1980s, the mother chose to live in Hong Kong for her children’s future; today, the young daughter who works as an architect must go back and forth between the mainland and Hong Kong for both work and love. Moving south or going north, the choices made by these three women each tell a story of their time. With new roads and rails linking more and more places, how will it affect the lives of these three generations?

《延長線》講述一個家族三代女性 (祖母 / 四婆、母親 / 阿娟、女兒 / Michelle) 的故事。60年代祖父為生活決定離開家鄉來港打拼,四婆只能留在家中默默守候;97回歸後,阿娟同樣為下一代著想而來港工作和生活,目的只是希望子女有更多的選擇;而現在,當建築師的女兒卻為婚姻和事業可能選擇北上,對未來充滿迷惑;當交通基建急速發展,人與人之間的交往漸見頻繁,人與地方之間的感情又是否漸見深厚?未來珠三角的「一小時生活圈」可能輕易貫穿南北,廣深港高速鐵路的香港段亦完成在即,每個人來來回回,尋尋覓覓,到底帶來了甚麼,又帶走了甚麼?


Over The Wall 《新填地翻牆》

Director: TSIM Ho-tat 詹可達│Hong Kong│12mins 25sec
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 粵語、普通話輔中、英文字幕
Cast: WANG Hong-wei 王宏偉(as NG; acted in JIA Zhang-ke’s “The World”)

In the near future, NG, the big shot director from mainland China, will invite a Hong Kong architect to work on a theater adaptation. The celebrated play Over the Wall will be presented in West Kowloon Cultural District with a local twist: Over the Wall–Reclamation Street, the oldest reclaimed land in Hong Kong. The new adaptation will discuss the differences between Hong Kong and mainland China in terms of culture, language, Chinese characters, wealth gap, customs and values. It will also address the “Wall” as well as the boundaries between individuals. The wall marks the boundary of Reclamation Street, but will it bring harmony between old and new, or does it simply serve as a test point? The film is about supersession, communication, conflicts and dispute, all reflecting our own reality.

不久將來,國內大導演老吳將相約香港建築師到劇場舞台上,大談國內知名大型劇目《翻牆》將移施西九文化區上演,劇目將有全新演繹,定名為《新填地 • 翻牆》,並擬將劇中場景換成香港填海歷史悠久的新填地,二人聊到新劇情將涉及大陸與香港在文化、語言、字體、富貧、風俗,甚至價值觀的差異,之後,又談及劇中的「牆」和人與人的界線,因牆建在哪裡正正是代表新填地的邊界在哪,新舊融合抑或圈地試點?交替、溝通、矛盾和爭端,劇中地、戲中戲,是他也是我和你。