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Shakespearean Play ─ Titus Andronicus 2.0 (in Cantonese│English synopsis provided)

莎士比亞舞台劇 《泰特斯2.0》


日期: 2016年3月3日 (星期四)
時間: 下午7時至9時
地點: 嶺南大學陳德泰大會堂
語言: 廣東話
演出: 鄧樹榮戲劇工作室
合辦: 嶺南大學文化研究系
ILP學分: 2 (美育發展)
註: 本節目適合十二歲以上觀眾欣賞











「鄧樹榮戲劇工作室」前身是創立於1996年的「無人地帶」。「無人地帶」創作的作品超過20項,當中較具代表性的包括《生與死三部曲》 ── 《三級女子殺人事件》 (1997)、《解剖二千年》(1999)及《我的殺人故事》(1999)、《真面目》(1998)、《我們互不相識的一小時》(2000)、《生死界》(2002)、《死亡實驗室》(2002)、《代理阿媽教》(2003)、《日落前後的兩三種做愛方式》(2003)、《人、椅、龜:一齣關於文化的冥想》(2004)以及《泰特斯》(2008)。「無人地帶」的作品曾應邀參加紐約韓信國際木偶戲劇節、三藩市鬼節、香港藝術節、澳門藝穗節及新加坡華藝節,並曾獲香港舞台劇獎多個獎項。

「無人地帶」於2009年易名為「鄧樹榮戲劇工作室」。「工作室」的作品包括《泰特斯2.0》(2009)、康樂及文化事務署東亞運動會劇場系列《形.體.澎湃》(策劃)(2009)及《後代》(2010,與新加坡戲劇盒聯合製作),近期的作品為《打轉教室》、《舞.雷雨》、《熱血軀體》公開課堂及《你為甚麼不是Steve Jobs?》。



Date: 3 March 2016 (Thu)
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue: Chan Tak Tai Auditorium, Lingnan University
Language: Cantonese (English synopsis provided)
Performed by: Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio
Co-organiser: Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University
ILP unit(s): 2 (Aesthetic Development)

This programme is suitable for ages 12 or above.

Titus Andronicus 2.0

The goriest work of Shakespeare; hailed as one of the most significant events of Hong Kong contemporary theatre for its First Run in 2009; taken on tour to six cities in Europe and Asia - Director Tang Shu-wing takes an audacious and ground-breaking approach in presenting the revenge classic of the Roman General Titus by story-telling in physical theatre with live music and body language.

Titus Andronicus 2.0 focuses on the core of theatre where minimalism takes over: the removables are removed on an empty stage floor lit measurably on seven chairs and actors, commuting between the capacities of the characters and narrators. The resulting energy, after combining intensively collaborative training and multiple narrations from improvised experimentation, is radiantly gigantic.

This play represents the most adventurous trip ever to explore every possibility in theatre, inevitably guiding audiences to the black holes in our hearts. An entry to the vicinity filled with primal forces and immense imagination is invited, preluding the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death this year with a bold journey of self-reflection, awakening and internal cleansing.

This programme contains contents which some audience members may find disturbing. Suitable for ages 12 or above.


Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio

Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio, a registered charity, was formerly known as No Man’s Land which was founded in 1996. The more renowned works of No Man’s Land include Three Women in Pearl River Delta (1997), Millennium Autopsy (1999), My Murder Story (1999), The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other (2000), Between Life and Death (2002), Deathwatch (2002) and The Two or Three Ways of Making Love around Sunset (2003). Works of No Man’s Land have been presented in the Henson International Puppet Theatre Festival of New York, San Francisco Ghost Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival and Macau Fringe Festival and have received a number of awards in the Hong Kong Drama Awards.

In 2009, No Man’s Land was renamed Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio, with the mission to bring quality theatre works to wider audience. Being a centre for theatrical research and creation, the Studio is dedicated to promote a better quality of life to the public through their experience in participation of performing arts. Having physical theatre and minimalist aesthetics as its artistic direction, the Studio has a vision to bring new paths to the Hong Kong theatre. It aims at creating long-running productions, showcasing the unique culture of Hong Kong and at the same time exploring potentials to operate independently in the market. We also hope to facilitate cultural exchange, so that the theatre of Hong Kong will be given a proper place on the world stage. The Studio is open to cooperate with any organisations or individuals who share the same vision as ours.

Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio is financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and has also established a long-term collaboration with the Hong Kong Arts Centre as its Residential Theatre Company.

The works of the Studio include Titus Andronicus, Titus Andronicus 2.0, Next Generations (co-production with Drama Box, Singapore), Detention and Thunderstorm. Titus Andronicus was invited to participate in the Globe to Globe Festival at the Shakespeare’s Globe in the London Cultural Olympiad 2012 and became the first Cantonese production ever performed in this theatre, followed by an international tourof Titus Andronicus 2.0 in Fredrikstad (Norway), Wroclaw and Bytom (Poland), Beijing and Taipei whilst Detention, before embarking a 5-cities tour in China,was highly acclaimed by the U.K. media in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2012. Thunderstorm, premiered in the New Vision Arts Festival of Hong Kong in October 2012, was performed in Huayi Festival of Arts in Singapore in February 2013 with enthusiastic reception. In 2014, it participated in Kuandu Arts Festival as one of the representatives to Hong Kong Week 2014.

In August 2015, Studio has been invited to premiere Macbeth in Globe and re-run Detention in Edinburgh Fringe Festival respectively. In September 2015, the studio will re-run Titus Andronicus 2.0 in Hong Kong