Advisory Board and Committees

Advisory Board

To deliver a quality programme that enables students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge in the subject area and maintain a high academic standard, an Advisory Board for the programme has been established to provide it with valuable advice. The Advisory Board serves as the interface between government/industry/commerce/the community at large and the host department of the programme.

Power and Responsibilities

  1. The level and length of courses/programmes concerned in relation to regional needs.
  2. The relevance of the courses/programmes to the changing needs and nature of the programme graduates’ potential employment.
  3. The prospects of regional employment for the graduates of the programme.
  4. The adequacy of equipment and other resources of the academic units to fulfil regional needs.
  5. The development of teaching and other activities carried out jointly by the academic units and the appropriate community sectors.
  6. The investigation, consultancy and other services given by the academic units.
  7. Monitor the assistance that the community can give to further the objectives of the University in the subject concerned by way of practical training facilities, the provision of part-time teaching staff and equipment and the award of scholarships and student-fellowships.



Professor LEUNG, Kwong Sak

Emeritus Professor and Research Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Professor HUI, Kai Lung

Deputy Head and Chair Professor
Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dr CHENG, Cho Ming

Hong Kong Observatory
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Mr CHOI, Victor

Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association

Dr NG, Chung

Senior Vice President
Technology Strategy and Development
HKT Limited

Dr TANG, S.M. Winnie, JP

Founder and Chairman
Esri China (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr WAT, Jefferson

Asia Solution Corp. Ltd.

Mr YU, Chun Keung Leo

Census and Statistics Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Terms of Reference

  1. To maintain the academic standards of the programme at a level appropriate to the type of award.
  2. To approve examination question papers after considering the views and recommendations of External Academic Advisers, where appropriate.
  3. To maintain general supervision of the system of continuous assessment, where it applies.
  4. To maintain the proper conduct of examinations.
  5. To determine students’ examination results.
  6. To assess the progress of students and to report its decisions, including its recommendations for Honours Degree classification, to the Undergraduate Examination Boards.
  7. To consider appeals referred to it by the Registrar.


• Chairperson: The Head of the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences.

• Members:

  1. All staff concerned with the setting and marking of any part of the Examinations;
  2. A representative from the Science Unit, Faculty of Social Sciences or Faculty of Art; and
  3. External Academic Advisers, if any.

• Secretary: To be appointed by the Chairperson.

Terms of Reference

  1. To take charge of the degree programme, including the design, implementation and review of the curricula, the achievement of the intended student learning outcomes and others.
  2. To liaise with teaching staff regarding programme matters, such as course offerings for each academic year.
  3. To liaise with the Registrar on all academic matters, including the review of academic regulations and examination matters.
  4. To review the degree programme’s admissions policy.
  5. To deal with all other matters related to the degree programme.


• Chairperson: The Head of the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences.

• Members:

  1. All academic members of the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences;
  2. One representative from the Science Unit;
  3. One representative from the Faculty of Social Sciences; and
  4. Two elected student representatives.

• Secretary: To be appointed by the Chairperson.

Terms of Reference

1. To promote understanding between students and teaching staff.

2. To consider feedback from students regarding teaching, learning and course evaluation and issues of importance for enhancing teaching and learning quality.

3. To consider any other matters of concern to students.

4. To review and monitor the learning and teaching quality assurance mechanisms and processes within the programme.

5. To provide feedback to students on changes made to courses and teaching in response to the Course Teaching and Learning Evaluation exercise.

6. To formulate strategies to help students learn more effectively.


• Chairperson: The Head of the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences.

• Members:

(1) At least two teaching staff representatives and

(2) At least three student representatives.

• Secretary: To be appointed by the Chairperson.


The upcoming intake of the students will start in September of the coming academic year.

About Us

The Department of Computing & Decision Sciences (formerly known as the Department of Information Systems) was founded in 1983.

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