The Liberal Art University in Hong Kong

Board of the CEAL

Terms of reference


  1. To be responsible for the delivery of the courses the Centre offers, including course planning, teaching, assessment and evaluation.
  2. To be responsible for the quality of teaching and research work of the Centre.
  3. To formulate the Centre’s policies within University guidelines.
  4. To consider staff matters of the Centre.
  5. To set up committees as it thinks necessary to discharge its duties.
  6. To review and monitor the learning and teaching quality assurance mechanisms and processes within the Centre.
  7. To conduct teaching and course evaluation in each term.
  8. To organise seminars or workshops for improvement of teaching methods.
  9. To formulate strategies for self-evaluation of teaching staff based on feedback obtained from external advisers, students, graduates, peers and employers.
  10. To generate proposals to bid for UGC’s Teaching Development Grants.
  11. To deliberate procedures for the award of excellence in teaching.
  12. To review matters concerning examinations and continuous assessments.




Chairperson:   Head of the Centre
Members:        All full-time members of the teaching staff of the Centre
Secretary:        To be appointed by the Head


External Academic Advisor(s) shall be invited to attend the meetings at which examination matters are discussed.


[Note: In accordance with current University practices, the Academic Dean concerned should receive the agenda papers and minutes of CEAL Board Meetings.]