
Prof. GU Yixin  顧一心教授

Assistant Professor 助理教授

Office: HSHG11
Tel: 2616-8609
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Academic Qualifications: PhD (Princeton University); MA (Fudan University); BA (Sun Yat-sen University)
Research Interests: Pre-modern Chinese literature, culture, and intellectual history, with a focus on early and medieval times (pre-imperial through ca. 900 CE) and wide-ranging interests in poetry, philosophy, historiography, rhetoric, literary theory, and beyond.


Journal Articles (authored)
 2022  “Antiquity and Its Rhetorical Power: The Revisionary Invention of a New Model of Literary Learning in Han Time,” Oriens Extremus (forthcoming, 2022)
 2021  “Speaking with the Learning of Odes: Cao Zhi’s Representation of the Shijing and Its Hermeneutic Traditions in the Contexts of Han-Wei China,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 141.2 (2021): 299–328
 2014  《從“聖門”到“詩家”:“風人”意念的轉向與明代詩論》,《中華文史論叢》,2014年第2期,頁95–117
Journal Articles (translated)
 2022  柯馬丁(Martin Kern):《“文化記憶”與早期中國文學中的史詩:以屈原和《離騷》爲例》 ,《文史哲》2022年第4期,頁57–76
 2019  柯馬丁(Martin Kern):《早期中國詩歌與文本研究諸問題:從《蟋蟀》談起》,《文學評論》2019年第4期,頁133–151
 2022  “The Enchantment of Erudition: Models and Manifestations of Literary Culture in Han-Wei China” (Princeton University)