Subsite Background

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

OSL has launched a variety of student-led research projects in collaboration with local community partners and other higher education institutions in Hong Kong, to advance Service-Learning in town and to empower our students to engage the local community with knowledge transfer. For example, in the Service-Learning course “Business Ethnics”, our under-graduate students conducted research on the reasons for corporate volunteering and formulated effective strategies for promoting volunteering to our community partner, Habitat. In another undergraduate research project, students took up leading roles in collecting primary historical data around Hong Kong to reconstruct a complete local history of the Tung Wah Group. These research projects required our students to develop sophisticated skills by conducting research studies beneficial to the local community. 

Practicality is another aspect that OSL encourages our students to focus on in their research projects, as it is important for our students to learn how to empower the local community with knowledge transfers from research insights. Recently, OSL has been working with students to conduct a number of practical research projects with results that were well received by the community. For example, touched by the living condition of the underprivileged in Hong Kong, a team of students put recycled materials together to produce a low-cost air purifier to help improve the air quality of subdivided flats. Such research studies are particularly effective in developing students’ research skills, sense of compassion, and solution-based thinking.

Regular Service-Learning projects often contain a research component that gives Lingnan students a chance to plan, conduct, and interpret results of a research project.

Students looking for a more research-focused project experience are also invited to sign up for the course SSC3319:

SSC3319 Junior Research Project

(Individual supervision with optional Service-Learning elements)

Service-Learning option in SSC3319

Students can opt to include a S-L component in their research project. Each student will work in consultation with their research project supervisor to conduct research that is beneficial to one of our community partners.