Self Learning Programme

How to Access the Self Learning Materials

Step 1


Click Sign in, and enter your username and password.

Please note the login should be your Lingnan login plus “@2023”. For example if you use “tonychan” to login to Moodle, your login for MyITLab would be “tonychan@2023”.

The default password is “Ln” plus your student ID number. if your student ID number is 1234567, then the default password would be “Ln123467”. Please change your password after the first login.

If you have problem (e.g. can’t login) with your account, please email [email protected]. Please note that the accounts are provided by Pearson. It takes up to 10 wording days to reset/repair an account. 

The IT Fluency Programme is purposely built for enhancing students’ learning and proficiency in information technology related skills. Students can study the self-learning materials anytime available on Pearson MyITLab platform. The platform contains PowerPoint slides, MS office textbooks, training simulation of various MS office skills.

To access the self-learning materials, students are required to login to Pearson MyITLab platform

Link to Pearson MyITLab –

Click the button “SIGN IN”.


step 2


Type in your login and password. The login should be your Lingnan login plus “@2023”. For example if you use “tonychan” to login to Moodle, your login for MyITLab would be “tonychan@2023”.

The default password is “Ln” plus your student ID number. if your student ID number is 1234567, then the default password would be “Ln123467”. Please change your password after the first login.

step 3


step 4

Select the ITFP Information Technology Fluency Programme listed under My Lab & Mastering.


Step 5

 Self-learning materials and a mock test are provided inside MyITLab platform as shown below. Students can use these materials by clicking “Course Materials”. For preparing of the test, students are advised to study the PowerPoint slides for part A, and try the simulation activities for part B. Student are also advised to try the Mock Test before taking the test.



Step 6


Step 7