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Organisation Structure & Committee 組織結構和委員會

(In English Only 只提供英文版)

Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure, Department of Economics


A. Programme and Curriculum Committee (PCC)

The PCC serves to monitor and assure the satisfactory operation of the programme.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To take charge of the degree programme including the design, implementation and review of the curricula, inter alia, the achievement of the intended student learning outcomes;
  2. To liaise with the teaching staff concerned on programme matters such as course offerings for each academic year;
  3. To liaise with the Registry on all academic matters including review of academic regulations and examination matters;
  4. To review the admissions policy of the programme; and
  5. To deal with all other matters related to the programme.
Chairman: Prof. WONG Chi Leung Adam
Members: Prof. QIU Dongxiao Larry
Prof. WANG Yonglin Laura
Prof. WHITTEN Gregory William
Prof. WONG Wai Chung Gary
Mr. LEUNG Hin Shing Billy
One student representative
Secretary: To be appointed by the Chairman

B. Board of Examiners (BoE)

The Board of Examiners makes decisions on examinations, continuous assessment and recommendation of students for graduation.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To maintain the academic standards of the programme at a level appropriate to the type of award;
  2. To approve examination question papers after considering the views and recommendations of External Academic Advisers, where appropriate;
  3. To maintain general supervision of the system of continuous assessment, where it applies;
  4. To maintain the proper conduct of examinations;
  5. To determine students' examination results;
  6. To assess the progress of students and to report its decisions, including its recommendations for award classification, to the Senate; and
  7. To consider appeals referred to it by the Registrar.
Chairman: Prof. WONG Chi Leung Adam
Members: Prof. XIAO Junji
Prof. WONG Wai Chung Gary
Secretary: To be appointed by the Chairman

C. Staff-Student Consultation Committee

Chairman: Prof. WONG Chi Leung Adam
Members: Prof. XIAO Junji
Prof. WONG Wai Chung Gary
Three student representatives
Secretary: To be appointed by the Chairman