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  • *這些是已提供的科目。將來會增加新的科目。
  • *2022-23學年沒有開辦IDE508、IDE509、IDE514、IDE516 及IDE517科目。
  • 適用於 2021-22 學年或之前入讀的學生










    IDE501 發展微觀經濟學 (3 學分)

    本科目旨在為學生提供有助於分析各種發展問題的微觀經濟理論。本科目將從微觀經濟學課程的標準課題開始,例如消費者理論、生產者理論和競爭市場,然後討論市場失靈。其後,本課程將介紹賽局理論(Game Theory)和信息經濟學,以研究具有完整或不完整信息的戰略相互作用。配備上述分析工具,本科目的最後一部分將專門討論有關發展或環境問題的選定課題。學生需具有經濟學、微積分和概率方面的基本背景知識。

    IDE502 發展宏觀經濟學 (3 學分)


    IDE503 發展經濟學 (3 學分)

    本科目重點解釋相關的主要理論和經濟發展的案例。本科目涵蓋以下議題:(1) 何謂發展和如何衡量? (2)發展中國家為什麼這麼難縮小與發達國家的經濟差距? (3) 哪些是影響經濟發展的因素? (4)如何實現經濟均衡發展(低不平等和更少的環境破壞)?

    IDE504 國際貿易 (3 學分)

    本科目提供國際貿易基礎,涵蓋理論、實例和政策。在國際貿易理論的幫助下,學生能了解世界生產和貿易的模式以及國際貿易的好處。本課程將分析和比較貿易政策,並評估它們對國內和國際發展的影響。本課程將學習世界貿易體系,包括世界貿易組織和國際貿易協定。本課程亦將探討其他議題,例如外判和外國直接投資 (FDI)。

    IDE505 當前國際經濟與發展經濟學的問題 (3 學分)


    IDE506 國際貨幣與金融 (3 學分)


    IDE507 全球化與經濟發展 (3 學分)


    IDE508 世界經濟 (3 學分)

    This course explores the major forces and processes that have determined the world economy and its current opportunities and challenges. It begins with an overview of the development of the world economy and its current conditions, treating the world economy as an integrated unit. The course then discusses the performance and experience of major economies or groups of economies, including the US, Europe, newly industrialized economies in East and Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa. Relevant factors that are important for economic successes and failures in individual economies are investigated, including geography, technology, demography, trade and foreign investment, industrial policies, and macroeconomic policies. Based on these understanding, the course ends with an analysis of the future prospects of the world economy.

    IDE509 國際政治經濟學 (3 學分)

    The International Political Economy (IPE) offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of modern society. International Political Economy encourages the integrated analysis of economic problems and issues, using tools and methods of economics, political science, and sociology as informed by an understanding of history and tempered by appreciation of the differences in economic and political systems in the world. This course introduces three standard perspectives in International Political Economy and thus offers a broad and critical vision to look at the world and understand current issues.

    IDE510 「一帶一路」倡議:歷史、政治、經濟及社會 (3 學分)


    IDE511 中國經濟發展 (3 學分)

    This course aims to help students analyze and understand the transition and development of the Chinese economy since 1979. Specific topics include but are not limited to the economic reform, open-door policy, regional development, economic growth, financial market, innovation, international trade, foreign direct investment, exchange rate, and other contemporary economic issues. The course will discuss both the achievements of the economy and the current problems and challenges it faces. We will introduce some basic knowledge of microeconomics macroeconomics, international economics, and statistics as the basis for systematic analysis of Chinese economic development in the past, present and future.

    IDE512 經濟發展中的政治經濟 (3 學分)


    IDE513 環境議題與可持續發展 (3 學分)

    The course applies economic analysis to environmental issues and sustainable development. The market-oriented approach to environmental policy making will be evaluated with the regulation-planning approach. Approaches to green economic growth will also be examined. This course requires a basic knowledge of microeconomics.

    IDE514 全球化與經濟一體化 (3 學分)

    This course aims to familiarise students with the cause, pattern, and nature of the globalisation of production of goods and services, which are taking the form of greater division of labor, increasing specialisation, greater trade and capital flows, and keener international competition. Against this trend, however, is the emergence of trade blocs and regional economic entities. This course will look at the interaction between these two trends. Students will also have the chance to examine the roles of World Trade Organisation (WTO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the impact of globalisation on financial stability through the study of the East Asian Financial Crisis and the recent Financial Tsunami.

    IDE515 研究方法 (3 學分)


    IDE516金融計量經濟學I (3 學分)

    This course provides students with an introduction to the principles of econometric analysis. The course equips students with appropriate econometrics techniques and software skills for doing empirical research in economics and finance. The emphasis of this course will be on developing and applying regression techniques in cross-sectional contexts.

    IDE517 金融計量經濟學II (3 學分)

    This course mainly covers time series modeling, panel data analysis and limited dependent variable models. The course focuses on theoretical underpinnings of relevant estimation and inferences. It also includes a hands-on component where students will apply various techniques discussed in class to financial time series and panel data.

    IDE518 產業經濟學與政策 (3 學分)

    This course provides an introduction to current theory in Industrial economics. It starts by examining the internal structure of firms. It then moves on to the analysis of various aspects of strategic interaction between firms and the determinants of industrial structure. Finally, it discusses the role of policy in the context of competition and industrial policies and regulation. The emphasis will be throughout on understanding how the theoretical tools can be used to analyse real world issues.