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Board of Examiners

Terms of reference

a) To maintain the academic standards of the programme at a level appropriate to the type of award;

b) To approve examination question papers after considering the views and recommendations of External Academic Advisers*, where appropriate;

c) To maintain general supervision of the system of continuous assessment, where it applies;

d) To maintain the proper conduct of examinations;

e) To determine students' examination results;

f) To assess the progress of students and to report its decisions, including its recommendations for award classification, to the Postgraduate Studies Committee; and

g) To consider appeals referred to it by the Registrar.

* Comments from External Academic Advisers should be used for future reference and forward planning purpose.


Chairman :

Programme Director for the MAIA Programme
Members :

Dean (Social Sciences)

Head of Government and International Affairs Department

All staff concerned with the setting and marking of any part of the examinations

Secretary :

To be appointed by the Chairman