TSUI, Chung Man Carmen (徐頌雯)
Associate Professor

Tel.: (852) 2616- 7936
Fax.: (852) 2467-7478
Email: [email protected]

Academic & Professional Qualifications

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2011
M. Phil., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002
M. Arch., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999
B.S.Sc., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996

Areas of Interest

Cultural and historical heritage, housing history of China and Hong Kong, history of architecture and urbanism, architectural modernism in Asia.


  • Research Grants & Projects
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Book Reviews
  • Public Talks & Conference Presentations


Principal Investigator, The Third Way of Housing Production: A History of Housing Cooperatives in Post-War Hong Kong, 1940s–1980s, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 2023–2025.


Principal Investigator, Shaping Architectural Modernism in Colonial Hong Kong: The Building Works of the Public Works Department from the 1930s to the 1970s, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 2020–2023.


Principal Investigator, The Modernist Public Markets in Hong Kong, The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, 2019–2023.


Principal Investigator, Cottage Resettlement Areas: The Making of Aided Self-Help Communities in Post-war Hong Kong, 1948–2001, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 2018–2021.


Principal Investigator, Building a Culture of Homeownership: A History of Condominium in Hong Kong, 1950s–1980s, Early Career Grant, Research Grants Council, 2016–2019.


Principal Investigator, Welfare Housing before the Shek Kip Mei Fire: A Study of Four Philanthropic Housing Organizations in Hong Kong, 1950s–1960s, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 2015–2017.


Principal Investigator, Finding a Model for Urban Living: The Origins of Public Housing in China, 1920s–1940s, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 2014–2017.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. Everyday Architecture in Context: Public Markets in Hong Kong (1842–1981). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2023.


徐頌雯. 《香港街市﹕日常建築裹的城市脈絡﹙1842–1981﹚》. 香港: 香港中文大學出版社, 2022.


Book Chapters

Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Revitalizing Effective Memory Cues in a Chinese City: Urban Conservation Principles for Huizhou (Guangdong).” In Historic Cities: Issues in Urban Conservation, edited by Jeff Cody and Francesco Siravo, 447–54. Readings in Conservation Series. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2019.




Journal Articles

(Accepted) 徐頌雯. 非政府機構對解決香港戰後屋荒的貢獻. 《二十一世紀》. 


(E-pub ahead of print) Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Minimum Government Assistance: Planning Cottage Resettlement Areas in Post-War Hong Kong.” Planning Perspectives, March 15, 2023, 1–24.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Housing the Nascent Middle Class: The First High-Rise Planned Community in Post-War Hong Kong.” Planning Perspectives 37, no. 4 (July 2022): 735–59.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “From Public Interest to Public Obligation: Compulsory Land Expropriation for Capital Reconstruction in Nationalist China.” Urban History 49, no. 2 (May 2022): 383–400.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Too New, Too Ugly, and Too Unimportant?” HKIA Journal, no. 77 (2021): 114–117.


徐頌雯, 歐陽曉欣. 裙房塔式商住楼—香港高密度居住空间的建筑原型 (Tower-on-Podium: A Prototype of High-Density Residential Complex in Hong Kong). 《新建築》(New Architecture), no. 6 (December 2017): 47–51.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Can NGOs Still Provide Affordable Homes to Hong Kong?” HKIA Journal, no. 72 (2016): 76–79.


徐頌雯. 民國公共空間的政治利用: 首都南京中山路建造始末 (The Political Use of Public Space: Staging National Power on the Chinese Boulevard). 《新建築》(New Architecture), no. 5 (October 2012): 21–26.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “State Capacity in City Planning: The Reconstruction of Nanjing, 1927-1937.” Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 1, no. 1 (2012): 12–46.



Conference Proceedings and Working Papers

Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Towards Homeownership: The Birth of Condominiums (Flatted Developments) in Post-War Hong Kong.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture. Tianjin, 2017.


徐頌雯. 民國南京公營住宅. 《中國近代建築研究與保護》(八), 張復合編. 北京: 清華大學出版社 (2012): 325–333.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Regulating Urban Living: The Social and Spatial Segregation of Nanjing in the 1930s.” In 《营造》第五辑—第五届中国建筑史学国际研讨会会议论文集(上)(The 5th International Conference on Chinese Architectural History Conference Proceedings), vol. 1. Guangzhou: Architectural Society of China and South China University of Technology, 2010: 240–72


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Contesting Statehood: The Making and Remaking of Republican Architectural Tradition.” Spatializing Tradition, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, no. 198 (2008): 36–61.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Learning from Las Vegas! The Recent Development of Macao’s Mega- Casino/Resorts.” Hybridity and Authenticity, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, no. 189 (2006): 913–26.


徐頌雯. 西藏拉薩碉房跟自然環境的相配合. 《中國傳統民居營造與技術》, 陸元鼎、潘安編. 廣州: 華南理工大學出版社 (2002): 229–35.



Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Chinese Cities in a Time of Change.” Journal of Urban History 41, no. 3 (May 2015): 508–13.


Tsui, Carmen C. M. “Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Political Space.” Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 17, no. 2 (Spring 2006): 87–88.


Invited Talks (Since 2018)

從中山路到中山陵:奉安大典與南京改造.” Public Talk, Commemorative Lecture on the Anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Death 孫中山先生忌辰紀念講座, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Museum, Hong Kong, 12 March 2023.


“現代主義與香港日常建築.” Public Talk, GE Salon 2023 通識沙龍, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 9 February 2023.


“日常中的香港史:公眾街市建築的前世今生.” Public Talk, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, Hong Kong, 4 February 2023.


“從街市建築看城市管治.” Public Talk, 5th I-Care Book Festival 第五屆博群書節, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 18 Nov 2022.


“香港街市:日常建築裏的城市脈絡(1842–1981).” Public Talk, Hong Kong Book Fair 2022, Hong Kong, 23 July 2022.


 “香港現代主義街市 .” Public Talk, HKAC@Central Market Archi-Talk Series, Hong Kong Architecture Centre, Hong Kong, 11 December 2021.


 “公共街市的前世今生.” Public Talk, HKAC@Central Market Archi-Talk Series, Hong Kong Architecture Centre, Hong Kong, 11 September 2021.


“Modern Architecture and Civic Expression: The Making of the City Hall in Post-War Hong Kong.” Symposium presentation, Modern Architecture in Central Symposium, The Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists and Docomomo Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 17 November 2018.


“Public Works Department and Modern Architecture in Hong Kong.” Public Talk, HKICON CPD Talk and Site Visit Series, The Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists, Hong Kong, 23 June 2018.


“Modernist Architecture in Hong Kong.” Public Talk, HKAC Archi-Talk & Walk Series, Hong Kong Architecture Centre, Hong Kong, 7 April 2018.



Conference Presentations (Since 2018)

“Between Informality and Formality: Resettlement Cottage Villages Built by Nongovernmental Agencies in Post-war Hong Kong.” Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference: Informality in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2023.


“Modern Architecture of Everyday Life: Public Markets During the Interwar Period.” Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference: Hong Kong Studies as Praxis, Hong Kong, 2022.


“Philanthropic Housing in Post-war Hong Kong: A Historical Perspective.” Hawaii International Conference on Chinese Studies, Honolulu, 2020.


“Cottage Areas: Squatter Resettlements and the Making of Self-Built Communities in Post-War Hong Kong.” 18th International Planning History Society Conference, Yokohama, 2018.