Subsite Background

Air-Purifier Machine for Sub-divided Households

AP Machine


In January 2018, students from the Service-Learning course PSY3103 Psychology of Human Performance and Technology visited families living in Sham Shui Po’s sub-divided flats to experience the challenges the families face each day.


The students identified poor air quality as a pressing challenge influencing tenants’ quality of life. By applying academic knowledge, simple technology and design thinking, students brainstormed and came up with the idea to design a low-cost air purifier after carefully considering the households’ affordability and the setting of the tiny living environment. The prototypes were then tested in order to be further modified for enhancement.


With the support of the Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative (LEI), staff and students designed and developed an effective low-cost air purifier to improve the living conditions of those living in Hong Kong subdivided units (SDUs). Guests and residents in SDUs in Sham Shui Po helped to compose the low-cost air purifier in December 2022 for distributing 1,000 units of air purifiers to occupants of SDUs. Research about Air Quality in the subdivided units was conducted in 2023 to know more about the effectiveness of the low-cost air purifier.  

prototype Intro
The second prototype of the Air-Purifier Machine Students promote the first prototype during an exhibition
Low-cost Air-Purifier     

Media Coverage:

04/2018 嶺大生為劏房製空氣清新機 Sing Tao Daily
04/2018 嶺南生研「劏房清新機」讓基層透一口氣 Ta Kung Pao
04/2018 嶺大生「三慳」機 淨化劏房空氣 慳錢慳電慳位 成本百多元 手提易搬動 Wen Wei Po
04/2018 嶺大生為劏房戶製土炮空氣清新機 電腦風扇搭過濾板成本少於200 元

Ming Pao Daily

07/2022 嶺大研「劏房版」空氣清新機 成本數十元減逾半污染物 L.U. introduces low-cost air purifier which reduces pollutants in subdivided flats Yahoo News
11/2022 創科博覽2022|人道主義技術對抗新冠病毒 幫助弱勢群體 Our China Story
12/2022 Lingnan University Develops and Distributes Free Air Purifiers to over 1,000 Families of Subdivided Flats in Sham Shui Po Lingnan
12/2022 嶺大設計袖珍空氣淨化機成本不足百元 深水埗百人組裝贈千劏房戶 HK01
12/2022 嶺大研迷你空氣淨化機 贈1000部予劏房戶助改善空氣質素
12/2022 劏房空氣差 袖珍淨化機幫到忙
12/2022 嶺大研出袖珍空氣淨化機 Hong Kong Commercial Daily
12/2022 嶺大製迷你淨化機 贈劏房戶濾空氣 Yahoo News
12/2022 嶺大製迷你淨化機 贈劏房戶濾空氣 Oriental Daily
12/2022 嶺大研發袖珍空氣淨化機 免費派發予深水埗劏房家庭 Commercial Radio
12/2022 Lingnan University in Hong Kong Develops and Distributes Free Air Purifiers to over 1,000 Families of Subdivided Flats in Sham Shui Po Asia Research News
12/2022 嶺大研發袖珍空氣淨化機 免費派發予深水埗劏房家庭 Line Today
12/2022 嶺大研發袖珍空氣淨化機 贈予深水埗劏房戶 Unique Media
12/2022 港嶺大研袖珍空氣淨化機 送千部予基層 HKCNA
12/2022 嶺南大學研發空氣淨化機 免費派予劏房戶 Phoenix TV
12/2022 嶺大研袖珍空氣淨化機 送1000部予深水埗劏房戶 Dotdot News
12/2022 凝聚香港 - 第一百四十二集 袖珍空氣淨化機 成本唔使$100?LU develops and distributes free air purifiers to over 1,000 families of subdivided flats in Sham Shui Po Youtube
03/2023 凝聚香港||_第一百四十二集 袖珍空氣淨化機 成本唔使$100? RTHK
05/2023 LU Entrepreneurship Initiative’s SDU Air Purifier wins Silver Medal at 48th Geneva International Exhibition Lingnan
06/2023 LEI’s air purifier for subdivided units receives Silver Medal at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions Lingnan