Knowledge transfer on improving outcome based assessment with information technology

The seminar entitled “Improving the ‘Outcome Based Assessment’ (OBA) Processes with Information Technology: Experience Sharing” was held on 24 July with Prof Alfred Loo, Adjunct Associate Professor of the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences and Associate Director of MSc in eBusiness and Supply Chain Management as the speaker.  More than 30 participants including Lingnan staff members, academics and administrators from other local tertiary education institutions such as Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hang Seng Management College and Tung Wah College, as well as guests from several private companies attended the seminar.  Overseas scholars from Mercu Buana University and Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi in Indonesia also joined the occasion.


Prof Loo introduced to the audience the concept of OBA and the problems that institutions may come across when they want to conduct analysis on how well individual students and the programme as a whole has done in meeting the Programme Learning Goals.  He then shared on how the Programme Outcomes Management System (POMS), a computer system developed by Lingnan can solve these problems effectively and help the University obtain a better understanding of how well students have been performing in each area for the purpose of continuous improvement and enhancing programme outcomes.  The seminar also included a demonstration on how to use the POMS and followed by a lively discussion with participants.

Knowledge transfer on improving outcome based assessment with information technology