The Liberal Arts University in Hong Kong
The Liberal Art University in Hong Kong
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賀 冬 錦

HE Dongjin

Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing & International Business

Voice:  (852) 2616 8232
Fax:     (852) 2467 3049
Email:  [email protected]


Research Interests
Social influence on consumer behavior, prosocial behavior, social signalling, gift giving, visual marketing, alliance, marketing communications, self-control, branding.

Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications; Global Business Environment; e-Marketing; Social Media Marketing

Selected Publications
He, Dongjin, Yuwei Jiang, and Gerald J. Gorn (2021), "Hiding in the Crowd: Secrecy Compels Consumer Conformity," Journal of Consumer Research, 48(6), 1032-49.

Song, Jiaqi, Dongjin He and Yuwei Jiang (2023), "The Negative Handmade Effect: How and Why Control Deprivation Thwarts Desire for Handmade Products," Psychology & Marketing, 40(7), 1431-45.

Direct Grant (DG), 2023 (HK$100,000)

Lam Woo Research Fund—Project Grant, Principal Investigator, 2022 (HK$190,000)

Hong Kong Research Grants Council: Early Career Scheme (ECS), Principal Investigator, 2021 (HK$332,979)

Lam Woo Research Fund—Project Grant, Principal Investigator, 2021 (HK$155,000)

Faculty Research Grant, Principal Investigator, 2021 (HK$50,000)

Faculty Research Grant, Principal Investigator, 2020 (HK$50,000)

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