Further tests reveal two drinking water samples at Lingnan University found to contain lead higher than World Health Organisation's safety level

24 Sep 2015


Two drinking water samples at Lingnan University were found to contain lead higher than World Health Organisation (WHO)’s safety level, according to the second round of tests commissioned by the University.
Lingnan University commissioned the first round of tests in late August when two drinking water samples collected on campus were found to contain lead higher than WHO’s safety level. To further ascertain the quality of drinking water on campus, the University extended the scope of water test to more locations around the campus, and arranged further tests on water samples from locations where excessive lead were found in the first round of tests.
A total of 74 initial draw-off water samples were collected around the campus in the second round tests.  Among all the water samples, lead levels of two samples collected from a water dispenser at the UG/F of the New Academic Block and in the office pantry located at the Simon and Eleanor Kwok Building were 24 and 12 micrograms per litre respectively, which exceeded WHO’s safety level set at not more than 10 micrograms per litre.  Immediate arrangements have been made to discontinue the operation of the drinking fountain and water boiler concerned.
In addition, the pre-filtered water sample collected from the pantry of 11/F, Wong Hoo Chuen Hall had also exceeded WHO’s safety level according to the test report; however, its lead level tested to be in compliance with WHO’s safety standard after passing through the installed NSF53 certified water filter.
The latest test report also found that further tests on water samples from locations where excessive lead were found in the first round of tests have lead levels meeting WHO’s safety standard.
In response to the latest test results and to ensure quality of drinking water on the campus in the long run, the University will install NSF53 certified water filters to the pantries at Simon and Eleanor Kwok Building as well as all drinking fountains on campus.  The University will also conduct regular tests on water samples from different locations on campus on an annual basis.