Page 17 - Accelerating Research and Impact - Issue 5
P. 17

Ageing Smarter under COVID-19 14
 Chinese Medicine is known for its holistic treatment and preventive approach to diseases. This is in line with the kind of health care that we seek to offer in the smart ageing project funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in the four aspects of “Gerontechnology in Healthcare, Dining, Living and Transport”.
Since September 2020, the Lingnan University Chinese Medicine Clinic has been set up on campus to provide services initially for University staff and students, and for the community at a later stage. It also serves as a base to facilitate teaching and research in the subject area of healthcare.
To help senior citizens with advice on preventive care in the midst of the pandemic, the University is given the funding support of HK$395,000 from the Chinese Medicine Development Fund of the HKSAR Government for the project“中醫藥在長者中預防新型冠狀病毒之推廣”which is coordinated by Prof Albert LEUNG of the School of Graduate Studies. It is a timely initiative for the community as the elderly are at the highest risk of developing severe illness from the COVID-19 virus. After all, prevention is better than cure. The benefits are quality of life for the aged as well as reducing the social cost which is also an important objective of knowledge transfer work at our University.
 Prevention better than Cure

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