Page 23 - Accelerating Research and Impact - Issue 5
P. 23

Students Voices & Choices 20
   International students’ learning activities disturbed seriously
 In another survey conducted by the GS on international/non-local higher education students’ physical and psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 90% of respondents said the outbreak had caused “moderate to extreme” disruption to learning activities. Over 70% expressed concern about the outbreak, while 45% said they were feeling lonely.
Between April and May 2020, the research team received valid responses from 583 international/non-local higher education students from 26 countries/regions in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
Results show that over 70% of respondents said they got COVID-19 information from social media and new media. However, 14% of respondents did not know how to seek help in their study countries/regions if they were to develop COVID-19 symptoms.
Prof Padmore AMOAH from GS who conducted this research project added that, as international students may not be familiar with the medical service in the countries/regions they are studying in, universities should automatically provide systematic guidelines and information on COVID-19 outbreaks. For example, Lingnan’s Health, Safety and Environment Committee has been providing the latest prevention and medical information to both the faculty and students by email since the early stages of the pandemic in Hong Kong. Even students who are not in Hong Kong can get this up-to-date, accurate information.

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