Page 29 - Accelerating Research and Impact - Issue 6
P. 29

 Pioneering a
unique hub
for innovation, entrepreneurship and design thinking
Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative (LEI) is a partner in Stanford University’s University Innovation Fellows Program, and each year it sends three to four students to the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( to develop their innovative, entrepreneurship mindset and design thinking. These students return to Hong Kong with advanced, inventive grounding and guidance, which they can transfer to their peers and apply on campus.
Thanks to his proposed project “Inclusive Entrepreneurship in the Local Community”, Mr Nicholas OOI, LEI programme manager was selected by the programme’s inaugural Faculty Innovation Fellows Program which aims to improve the innovation ecosystems in schools and help students gain vital real-world skills and mindsets. He is the only faculty champion selected from Hong Kong or indeed the region.
In this two-year programme, Mr Ooi will meet regularly with about 20 fellow faculty champions and experts from around the world to learn new change strategies, develop projects, gather feedback on ideas and share resources.
LEI organised this webinar in September 2020 for students to learn how venture capital and angel investment operate and what kind of start-up they select for long term investment. Another talk by the Director of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer highlighted the importance of social impact and financial sustainability of social enterprises.
Joy of Life in Innovations

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