Page 37 - Accelerating Research and Impact - Issue 7
P. 37

 Research and Knowledge Transfer Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2021
  Research Output Excellence Award
   Prof Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Department of Philosophy
  Prof Tingting CHEN
Department of Management
   Prof Fuhai HONG
Department of Economics
   Prof Maggie Ka Wai LAU
School of Graduate Studies
   Young Researcher Output Award
   Prof Selina Chui Fun HO
Department of Visual Studies
   Prof Sebastian Yu Ho CHUNG
Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies
   Prof Dong ZHANG
Department of Political Science
  Prof Padmore Adusei AMOAH
School of Graduate Studies
  Lingnan University highly values original research and knowledge transfer works that demonstrate significant impact on society. In the Research and Knowledge Transfer Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2021, the University had honoured 33 scholars, students, and graduates for their achievements. Awards were also presented for success at winning research grants in today’s highly competitive environment.

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