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The Science Unit (SU) was established in 2015 as part of the Core Curriculum and General Education Office to develop and teach science courses designed for non-science students at Lingnan to fulfill the “Science, Technology, Mathematics and Society" Cluster (CLD) requirements of the Core Curriculum. It aims to increase students’ understanding and awareness of science through courses, formal and informal public lectures, and engagement with the campus and local community.


In 2019–20, two new programmes have been developed and approved by the Senate for official launch in 2020–21: (1) Minor in Environmental and Scientific Literacy and (2) MPhil in Environmental Science. The SU continues to explore and develop new initiatives to promote science education, for example developing new interdisciplinary courses in the "Creativity and Innovation" Cluster (CLA).


The teaching goal of the Unit is to develop courses that introduce Lingnan students to the excitement of the natural sciences and provides them with the skills they will need to deal with the complex scientific issues that will face them in the future.