Page 36 - Research and Impact Newsletter Issue 4
P. 36

33 Global Engagement
 Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities (AALAU)
Research Collaboration Workshop
To promote regional and international research collaboration among partnering institutions of the Alliance, the Office of Research Support organised the two-day Research Collaboration Workshop under the central theme of Comparative Asian Studies to facilitate Lingnan scholars and academics from Duke
Kunshan University and National Chengchi University to explore and discuss research collaborations on the topics: (1) Liberal Arts Education: Asian and Comparative Perspectives; (2) Comparative Culture and Literature; (3) Ageing Studies in Asian Countries; and (4) Smart Cities, Digital Culture and Urban Governance.
 International Symposium at National Chengchi University
The Symposium with the theme “Economic Globalisation and Regionalisation: Implications for Higher Education, Graduate Employment and Intergenerational Equality” was co-organised by the National Chengchi University, Lingnan University, Tunghai University and the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan. It was part of the collaborative research projects of AALAU with the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The event had attracted scholars from Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Haiti and Taiwan.

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