The Liberal Art University in Hong Kong
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Kunqu Opera: The Peony Pavilion

Performing Troupe: Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe

Date: 19 March 2012 (Monday)
Time:  7:00pm -9:30pm
Venue: Chan Tak Tai Auditorium, Lingnan University
Language: Putonghua with Chinese and English surtitles
ILP unit(s): 2.5 (Aesthetic Development)
CRN: 2122

Organizer: Chinese Music Archive, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Co-organizer: Faculty of Arts, Lingnan University
Supported by: Student Services Centre, Lingnan University
Acknowledgements: Kwan Fong Cultural Research & Development Programme and Office of Service Learning, Lingnan University
Sponsor: Lee Hysan Foundation

This performance by young professional actors from Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe aims to promote staple Kunqu repertoire to the campus and the community. To bring out the essence of Chinese opera (xiqu) to the audience, the troupe unfolds the texture of traditional Kunqu music accompaniment, which is distinctive from the prevalent aesthetics and practice of Kunqu music in China.

About Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe
Established in 1978, the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe (formerly known as the Shanghai Youth Peking and Kunqu Opera Troupe) is a performing arts group under the state preservation and support. Members of the troupe are mostly graduates from the Shanghai Xiqu School.

Well-known for the professionalism of their performances, members of the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe have won numerous awards, among them the prestigious Chinese Plum Blossom Theatre Awards and White Magnolia Awards. The troupe is also the recipient of the first prize in “Kunqu Opera Promotion Campaign” awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Culture in 1986. It has been widely acclaimed as a first-class troupe with first-class actors, plays and performances.

The Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe has a repertoire of around 300 selective excerpts and 60 full-length plays. Dedicated to the promotion of Kunqu and traditional Chinese culture, Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe has been performing around the world and has won worldwide acclaim and recognition.

About the performers

Weng Jiahui
Graduated from the School of Traditional Theatre of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, Weng Jiahui has been trained as a cross-dressed xiaosheng (young gentle male roles) under Kunqu artist Yue Meiti and has received the “Graduate of the Year Award” in 2003. An outstanding young performer in the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe, Weng has been awarded the “Rising Artist in Leading Role” at the 2008 White Magnolia Awards. Aside from playing the leading male role in Kunqu classics like The Peony Pavilion and The Tale of the Jade Hairpin, Weng also plays the leading role of Jia Baoyu in the latest production of the Northern Kunqu Opera Theatre, The Dream of the Red Chamber.

Yuan Jia
Yuan Jia is a young actress  specializing in guimendan  (young unmarried lady roles). She receives training from Kunqu artists Zhang Xunpeng, Zhang Jingxian and Wang Junhui. Her repertoire includes leading roles in The Peony Pavilion, The Story of the Jade Hairpin, and the Broken Bridge.  She performed in the 2007 heritage classic version of The Peony Pavilion in Hong Kong.




日期: 2012年3月19日 (一)
時間: 晚上7時至9時30分
地點: 嶺南大學陳德泰大會堂
語言: 普通話 (中英文字幕)
ILP學分: 2.5 (Aesthetic Development)
CRN: 2122

主辦: 香港中文大學音樂系中國音樂資料館
合辦: 嶺南大學文學院
協辦: 嶺南大學學生服務中心
鳴謝: 嶺南大學群芳文化研究及發展部、服務研習處
贊助: 利希慎基金



上海崑劇團人才出眾, 屢獲中國戲劇梅花獎、上海白玉蘭戲劇表演藝術主角獎、配角獎以及新人獎。劇團於1986年榮獲文化部頒發振興崑劇第一獎。上海崑劇團自建團以來,整理演出的崑曲傳統折子戲近300齣,創作大型劇碼60多齣。



優秀青年演員。嗓音清亮、扮相俊朗,氣質清剛。1999 年入讀上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校崑曲表演專業(大學本科)。初學旦角,後因仰慕崑劇大師岳美緹主演的《牡丹亭》而改行當為女小生,師承岳美緹。2008 年在崑劇《牡丹亭》(新人版)中扮演柳夢梅,獲得上海白玉蘭戲劇表演藝術新人主角獎。曾主演《玉簪記》、《牆頭馬上》、《湖樓》等劇。2011 年在北方崑曲劇院新創大戲《紅樓夢》中飾演賈寶玉,獲得廣泛好評。
