The Liberal Art University in Hong Kong
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Writing Workshop: Create Your Own Writing Style

Date: 12 April 2012 (Thu)
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Venue: AM 320, Amenities Building, Lingnan University
Co-organizer: Department of English, Lingnan University
ILP unit(s): 2 (Aesthetic Development)
CRN: 2252

What is style in fiction and what grips the reader? How does the writer promote suspense and turn the volume into a page-turner? What makes F Scott Fitzgerald and Murakami's books so impossible to forget? Making use of a range of excerpts from some of the best-known short stories and novels, this workshop will inspire you to write more engagingly. You can even learn to produce your own spontaneous writing at the workshop and have it considered for the Lingnan literary magazine this year!

Michael Ingham
(Department of English, Lingnan University)
Jennifer Wong (Writer-in-Residence at Lingnan University)

About Michael Ingham
Mike Ingham has been teaching English Studies as a member of the English Department at Lingnan University since 1999. Previously he worked as Head of Modern Languages at the British School of Gran Canaria in Spain and, on arriving in Hong Kong, as English Language Enhancement Coordinator for the Hong Kong Education Department at the Institute of Language in Education and subsequently the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Mike is a founder member of Theatre Action, a Hong Kong based drama group that specialises in action research on more literary drama texts. He also directs student productions in English at Lingnan University as part of the university's liberal arts mission. His current work fcouses on intermediality studies between poetry and art song forms and is also co-writing a study of Hong Kong documentary film based on findings of a recent research project. Mike and his UK-based academic brother Richard are collaborating on a long-term Shakespearean language and verse study using fresh empirical data. Mike's work is multi-faceted and broad in scope, reflecting not just a wide range of interests and strengths, but also an empirical sense of fluid eductional categories and a need for creative inter-disciplinarity.

About Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong's poems have appeared in journals including Eyewear, Frogmore Papers, Warwick Review, Orbis, TATE ETC, UCity Review, Cha, QLRS (Quarterly Literary Review of Singapore), Dimsum, Iota, New Writer and other anthologies. Her works have been selected for the forthcoming Oxfam anthology of Young British Poets by Cinnamon Press and Asian Poetry in English: An Anthology by Math Paper Press, both of which will be launched in 2012.

Jennifer's first poetry collection Summer Cicadas, was published by Chameleon Press. Her second collection, The Foreign, is forthcoming by Salmon Poetry.

She studied English at Oxford and completed an MA in creative writing at the University of East Anglia. She has taught poetry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is currently writer-in-residence at Lingnan University. She is also an associate board member of Magma Poetry magazine in the UK.