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Chinese Independent Film Series 華語獨立電影系列 I

Hand in Hand 《牽阮的手》

A real yet dramatic story of a couple who not only fight for their forbidden love, but also for democracy in their beloved country. Sixty years ago, when high-school student Tian Meng-shu fell for the scholastic Dr. Tian Chao-ming, who was then already in his thirties, they courageously ran away in the face of strong opposition from the girl’s family. And yet more hardship and sacrifices were bound to come as Dr. Tian had always been an uncompromising activist against the suppressive governance of the ruling Kuomintang. As the film traces the two’s epic love story from the 50s’ to the present, it also provides a detailed, vivid portrayal of the period of White Terror in Taiwan since then, as well as the series of social movements set forth by the daring democrats. Threading together interviews, archival footages and even animation to realistically construct the political upheavals that the Tian couples and their fellow activists had gone through, this award-winning documentary promises an impressive narration of history that cannot and should never be forgotten.

《無米樂》(2004) 導演最新作品,兩導演受台灣公視邀請拍攝一名老人家,一查之下原來是現年78歲仍活躍台灣民運界的田孟淑。人稱田媽媽的她,當年尚未高中畢業便與比她大16歲的田朝明醫師相戀,不顧家人極力反對而私奔。本片以他們倆的愛情為主軸,一拍之下竟耗時五年才告完成,最後更與公視解約,因為要談二人的戀愛,亦不得不同時回顧台灣二戰以後的本土歷史──1945年,台灣「光復」,人心一片歡騰,豈料隨即以1947年二二八事件為序幕,兩年後正式步入長達38年的白色恐怖時期。談及台灣50至80年代末這段歷史,你或許未聽過田氏夫婦的名字,但他們正是歷史書裡不一定介紹,卻為民主訴求默默付出的平民鬥士:早已被列為「歧異份子」的田醫師,遇著政治犯家屬求助,依然在醫館裡安排他們與國際特赦組織秘密會面;因美麗島事件而入獄的民運份子,幾乎沒誰沒吃過田媽媽包的粽子… 即使來到2006影片開拍時,田媽媽需要照顧中風仰床的田爸,自己身體亦大不如前,她還是堅持坐著輪椅出席大小民主運動,延續田爸從相戀當天起所教曉她的抗爭精神。

Date: 12 March 2013 (Tue)
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Venue: MBG07, Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building, Lingnan University
Language: Mandarin, Hoklo and Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles
Co-organizer: Centre for Cinema Studies, Lingnan University
ILP unit(s): 2 (Aesthetic Development)
CRN: 1760
Director:  Yen Lan-chuan、Juang Yi-tzeng (Taiwan) 2010 / Color / 140min

日期: 2013年3月12日 (星期二)
時間: 下午5時30分至7時30分
地點: 嶺南大學李運強教學大樓地下李應林演講廳 (MBG07 室)
語言: 國語、閩南話及日語對白,中英文字幕
合辦: 嶺南大學電影研究中心
ILP學分: 2 (美育發展)
CRN: 1760
導演: 顏蘭權、莊益增 (台灣) 2010 / 彩色 / 140分鐘