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Chinese Qi-Pao & Hong Kong Daily Life (in Cantonese)


Date: 5 March 2013 (Tue)
Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Mini Theatre, Lee Hak Kan Multimedia and Language Learning Centre, 2/F, Fong Sum Wood Library, Lingnan University
Language: Cantonese
Co-organizer: Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
ILP unit(s): 1.5
CRN: 2591
Moderator: Dr Wong Shuk-han, Mary (Department of Chinese, Lingnan University)
Speaker: Ms WONG Wai-har, Amy (Fashion Designer)

About WONG Wai-har, Amy
Amy Wong Wai Har is a fashion designer, founder of Amy’c Clothing Design. She studied art and literature, and is trained to appreciate east-west aesthetics from a comparative point of view. She aims to create clothing which, based primarily on Chinese painting ideology, can express elements of east-west cultural exchange while at the same time portraying the spirit of the modern woman.

日期: 2013年3月5日 (星期二)
時間: 下午3時至4時30分
地點: 嶺南大學鄺森活圖書館2樓李克勤多媒體暨語言學習中心
語言: 廣東話
合辦: 嶺南大學人文學科研究中心
ILP學分: 1.5
CRN: 2591
主持: 黃淑嫻博士 (嶺南大學中文系)
講者: 黃惠霞女士 (時裝設計師)

香港時裝設計師,Amy’c Clothing Design 創辦人。她曾修讀文學藝術,從比較的角度欣賞 中西美學。她嘗試把中國畫的元素作為時裝美學 的主體,同時又表達東西文化交流的一面,通過時裝來展示現代都市女性精神。