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Prelude to Lingnan Arts Festival 2015
creativity movement space - Opening of Art Exhibition cum Talk

「創意、運動、空間」 ─ 藝術展覽開幕暨講座

Photo 活動相片

Date: 5 February to 27 February 2015
Opening Hours: 9:00am - 10:00pm (Mon to Fri)
  9:30am - 6:00pm (Sat)
1:00pm - 5:30pm (Sun)
Venue: 1/F, Library, Lingnan University

日期: 2015年2月5日 至 27日
時間: 上午9時至晚上10時 (星期一至五)
  上午9時30分至下午6時 (星期六)
下午1時至下午5時30分 (星期日)
地點: 嶺南大學圖書館一樓


Opening of Art Exhibition cum Talk

Date: 5 February 2015 (Thu)
Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm
Venue: 1/F, Library, Lingnan University
Speakers: Artist Frank
  Mr Him Lo
  Ms Wen Yau
Language: In English and Cantonese
ILP Unit(s): 2 (Aesthetic Development)


One of the astounding achievements and outcome of the Umbrella Movement has been the robust creative artworks that have sprung in the occupied spaces of Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mongkok.  Many of these artworks have been born out of the shear euphoria over the solidarity at the shared spaces.  Some people have remarked that the artworks are a stark expression of a new found sense of belonging to HK.  We are organizing this exhibition by way of asking ‘why has the UM nurtured such an amount of creativity? How does art play a role in social movement and how has it reacted with the occupied spaces?’ We have invited Artist Frank, a painter who has done  ‘participatory painting’ at Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mongkok, by inviting by-passers to join in;  Mr Him Lo (local artist), Ms Wen Yau & friends as well as Mr Walter Wang and Mr Edward Tse, students of Lingnan University, to share with us their work and their creative journeys during the movement.

Artist Frank

Frank has been living in Hong Kong since 2006 and his love of this vibrant, eclectic city is immediately apparent in his works.  Using striking colours the painter captures the essence of Hong Kong’s famous harbour skyline and makes it his own.  His paintings hover between reality and fantasy: using strong blocks of colour to represent the buildings, Frank also uses smaller patches of colour, which dance across the cityscape, giving it that dream-like, ephemeral quality.  Frank has also captured the colours and delights of other Asian destinations.  The lush greens of Vietnam and Bali, the golden sunsets of Rajasthan, the deep blue seascapes of the Philippines; these are just some of the many places he has visited.

Frank was born in Lecco, on the southern shore of Lake Como in Italy. He studies architecture in Milan and further his studies in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, La Seine and also at the Clerkenwell College of Printing in London.  His works are featured in private collections worldwide.

Him Lo

Him Lo is a multidisciplinary artist based in HK. He graduated from Middlesex University (BA in Illustration) in 2004, RMIT University (BA in Fine Arts) in 2008, and Lingnan University (Master in Cultural Studies) in 2014. His is work is mainly a quest of the form of existence in the city. He focuses in the relations between the ego and physical. Through violent and dark expression, he expresses time with a sense of emergency. He is now the director of Hong Kong House of Stories.

Wen Yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/ lice art and time-based media in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space. Her work has been shown in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China (Beijing, Chengdu, Xi'an & Guangzhou), Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Burma, USA, Sweden, Finland, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Slovakia, New Zealand, Bolivia, etc. She is also actively engaged in various creative and arts educational project. Currently she is doing her PhD at the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University.



日期:   2015年2月5日(星期四)
時間:   下午3時30分至下午5時30分
地點:   嶺南大學圖書館一樓
講者:   Artist Frank
語言:   以英語及粵語主講
ILP 學分:   2 (美育發展)


雨傘運動的「成就」之一是於佔領空間中衍生了不少藝術創作。創作動力及意念可能源自運動所激發的歸屬感,還有一同分享佔領空間的撞擊和互動。這次展覽的目的是希望可以幫助我們思考這場運動、創意與(公共)空間的關係,以及藝術在社會運動的功能及角色。展出作品包括曾活躍於佔領區的意大利畫家 Frank、魂游及友人,及本校同學 Walter Wang 及 Edward Tse 的作品,他們亦將分享其創作歷程,及對這課題的思考。研究藝術及空間的本地藝術工作者盧樂謙亦會到場分享。

關於 Frank

Frank 生於意大利,於米蘭、巴黎及倫敦修讀建築及美術,作品曾於多個私人畫展展出。自2006年定居香港。他喜愛用油彩繪畫出城市的魅力,筆下的城市包括越南、印尼峇里島的茂密綠園,以至菲律賓的深籃海岸;而維港燦爛的夜景更是他作品的常客。他畫中的城市在鮮豔大胆的顏色組合中呈現無限生氣卻又帶有夢幻般的神釆。他在雨傘運動期間先後於旺角、金鐘及銅鑼灣佔領空間中作畫,並邀請在場人仕參與其中。


盧樂謙為跨界別藝術家,現居於香港。他先後畢業於英國薩斯大學視覺傳達設計系(2004),澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術系(2008)及香港嶺南大學文化研究系(MCS 2014);他的大部分作品以探索城市中的存在形式為基礎,關注於自我與身體之間的關連,亦喜歡以極端和黑暗的表述方式詮釋時間的迫切性。盧氏現為香港故事館館長。


跨媒介藝術家、研究、策劃及評論人,近年專注於即場/ 行為及媒體藝術的創作及研究。作品多是就地創作,愛在文化差異及公共與親暱之間進行微軟游擊。作品曾於亞洲、歐洲、南北美洲、澳大利亞等地展出,並為香港及亞洲多份報章、雜誌及網站撰寫文章,除創作外積參與策展、創意及藝術教育活動。現於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院攻讀博士課程,研究香港藝術與社會運動中的展演性實踐。