Lingnanian Café

Lingnanian Café, organized by the Lingnan University Alumni Relations Team, has officially closed on 23 September 2023. We believe that many alumni, students and staff members from the Lingnan community participated in the event together.

During the one-month Pop-up Café, various types of gatherings were organized, providing opportunities for Lingnanian to come together outside the campus. Lingnan Roundtable, Summer Mocktail Workshop, JTIA coffee tour, Lingnanian Café@Tuen Mun, and the Grand Celebration of Lingnanian Pop-up Café were held, making it an unforgettable experience for all. We hope that all guests who visited Lingnanian Café thoroughly enjoyed their experience, knew more about "Red Grey Spirit", and shared Lingnan History with the community.

To review the precious moments of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.