Shanghai Alumni Gathering

On April 18, 2024, Mr. Andrew Yao Cho Fai, BBS, JP, the Chairman of the Council at Lingnan University, along with Professor S. Joe Qin, the President of the university and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science, visited the Lingnan University Shanghai Alumni Association. The occasion was a dinner gathering attended by approximately 20 alumni in Shanghai, as well as delegates from the alumni association.

Chairman Yao looked forward to the continuous connections and interactions between Lingnan University and mainland Lingnanians, embodying the cultural spirit of “once a lingnanian, always a lingnanian”. President Qin shared the latest developments of Lingnan University and suggested targeting at 4 kinds of incorporations, including the one between traditional programmes and digitalization, between arts and science, between Greater Bay Area and the globe, and between history and cultural inheritance of Lingnan University. The participants also took the opportunity to reminisce about their own experiences at Lingnan and expressed their delight at hearing about the positive developments of Lingnan.

As Prof Qin described, “The greater the alumni, the greater the alma mater.” This visit not only underscored the vibrant alumni network associated with Lingnan University but also exemplified the enduring bonds and humanistic spirit that connect generations of Lingnan alumni. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Lingnan University Shanghai Alumni Association for their role in facilitating this memorable dinner gathering. 

​To review the precious moments of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.