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Cities and Governance Seminar Series 2023/24

East Kowloon: Inclusive Innovation and Growth


1 February 2024 (Thursday) | 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Chan Tak Tai Auditorium, Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR


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Kowloon East (Kwun Town District), Hong Kong’s poorest and most densely populated district, is currently undergoing a transition to become the second CBD. There are a set of socio-economic challenges faced by the underprivileged individuals during this urban regeneration process. This paper assessed opportunities within Kwun Tong that can potentially foster inclusive economic growth and promote an inclusive, smart, innovative CBD in Kowloon East, by first addressing the biggest barriers to inclusive economic growth, and then identifying pilot projects that have the potential to develop innovative solutions. Our assessments produced a research report and stakeholder map that focused on programs that would help support an equitable workforce and small business developments in Hong Kong’s Kwun Tong/Kowloon East area.


The talk will be followed by an information sharing on the Urban Tech Week. Link to 2023 programme:




Ms. Sunnie LAU believes that human-centric design promotes inclusive communities with innovative sustainable design strategies and urban designers & architects play important roles within the built environment. As an international associate member of AIA, UK Chartered Member and Hong Kong Registered Architect, she has been a regular design critic and instructor at architecture and urban design programmes at various schools. Taking up the roles of both practitioner and educator, she has been promoting architecture by designing, exhibiting, writing as outreach, and engaging communities. The endeavors included publicizing ongoing research topic on Kowloon East Inclusive Innovation & Growth, urban research-oriented design seminar on “Urban Mobility and Smart Infrastructure”, “Urban Resilience by Design – Adaptive Landscapes for PRD”, and facilitating dialogue between professionals, academia and young members at various cross disciplinary platforms and institutions. She was Co-Curator & Exhibitor of the Hong Kong Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Hong Kong) 2017, 2019, Venice Biennale (HK) 2020-2021.


Sunnie graduated with a B.A in Architecture from University of California, Berkeley; and later on, obtained her Master of Architecture, and Certificate in Urban Design from M.I.T. Her international experiences began with renowned architectural practices prior to postgraduate study at the M.I.T.; she worked with Morphosis Architects L.A., MVRDV Rotterdam, on international competitions, cultural projects and large-scale urban developments.  Her academic research focuses on smart city – Inclusive innovation for communities, urban design and technology, urban mobility and smart infrastructure, architectural and urban typologies with an interest in creative and innovative sustainable design strategies (SDGs).




Please click here to complete the online registration by 29 Jan 2024 (Monday).




For enquiries, please contact [email protected]