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Learning Enhancement Activity Plan (LEAP) team of the School of Graduate Studies collaborate with the Lingnan University Chinese Medicine Clinic (CMC) to offer workshops focused on mental well-being, led by our Chinese medicine practitioners as below. 


Session 1:

Improving Mental Wellbeing through Acupuncture 針灸與身心健康 

8 Feb (Thursday) 10:30-12:00

LYH 201/1 



Session 2:

Stress and Anxiety Management with Chinese Medicine中醫調理身心應對壓力和焦慮

15 March (Friday) 18:30-21:30.



These workshops will provide valuable insights and guidance on how to maintain good mental health and well-being using traditional Chinese medicine techniques. 

For more requirement, please do not hesitate to contact the GS's LEAP team at [email protected]