CFCI — Centre for Film and Creative Industries






  • 應徵論文須符合工作坊主題、且未公開發表,主題鮮明,觀點正確,有一定的學術價值,字數不超過15000字。
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  • 徵文截止時間為2023年9月31日。請在截止日期前將論文發送至指定郵箱([email protected])。舉辦方將組織專家對論文進行評審,並邀請入選論文作者參會。


嶺南大學電影與創意產業研究中心(Centre for Film and Creative Industries, Lingnan University)

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University of Wisconsin-Madison

Globalizing and Enhancing the Media History Digital Library

This project will make significant contributions to the field of film history and, more broadly, the digital humanities. Currently, over 10,000 users each month visit the Media History Digital Library’s (MHDL) collections of open access books and magazines about film and broadcasting. This project will expand the number of users and deepen their level of engagement. By implementing a new database and interface, users will be able to contribute tags and metadata that generate new knowledge and improve the MHDL’s searchability. This ability for users to contribute information and collaborate with one another is especially significant for the study of film, a domain in which professional scholars and passionate movie fans possess complementary forms of expertise. As a result, this project will contribute to the broader field of the digital humanities by modeling how academic and fan communities can share knowledge in a way that improves a digital project’s usability and searchability. Additionally, this grant project will enhance the global scope of the MHDL.

Currently, the MHDL’s 2 million page collection consists almost entirely of US publications. This limits the collection’s research potential for the study of national cinemas and the transnational exchange of films. To address these gaps, we are creating the Global Cinema History Task Force, a group of nine experts who will investigate the locations and copyright statuses of key global film publications, then digitize texts that are identified as out-of-copyright. Along with expanding access to more international film publications, the Task Force will develop a set of recommendations for other digital projects that seek to study 20th century culture while complying with international copyright laws. Therefore, this project will make a significant contribution to the digital humanities through documenting effective, ethical, and legal means of digitizing publications in different national and cultural contexts.

Key Deliverables and Goals

  • Implement a new centralized database and data model to store all the metadata
  • Develop an improved user interface with a more integrated and cohesive online experience
  • Globalize the collection to enhance the study of national cinemas and the transnational exchange of films and filmmakers