Core Curriculum 核心課程

Aims and Programme Intended Learning Outcomes
(effective from 2024–25 Year 1 and 2026–27 Senior Year Intake)


The Core Curriculum aims to provide students with a broad and balanced foundation through an exposure to a wide range of cross-disciplinary subjects. Designed to engage students in big questions and to cultivate in students a crucial set of generic and transferable skills treasured highly and widely across the globe, the Core Curriculum is important to the realization of a cohesive, humanistic and all-round education that Lingnan aims to provide.

On completion of the Core Curriculum, students are expected to be able to:


Alignment to Graduate Attributes

As a foundational element of university education, the ultimate aim of the Core Curriculum is to support Lingnan’s aspiration to help students develop the Graduate Attributes (GAs) as shown in the table below:

Programme Structure

As an essential part of the undergraduate curriculum at Lingnan University, the Core Curriculum is a compulsory component for all undergraduate students irrespective of their majors. Each student is required to complete 27 credits in the Core Curriculum, including 5 compulsory courses in the Common Core and one course from any four of the five Clusters. Each of the courses bears 3 credits, which normally represents 3 contact hours per week in a single term.


Core Curriculum Requirements


Common Core  


Critical Thinking: Analysis and Argumentation


The Making of Hong Kong


The Process of Science


China in World History


Generative Artificial Intelligence


One Course from any Four of these Five Clusters


Creativity and Innovation


Humanities and the Arts


Management and Society


Science, Technology, Mathematics and Society


Values, Cultures and Societies





Course Exemption/Credit Transfer for Core Curriculum Courses