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Airiti Library. Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS)

1. Airiti Library. Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS)

It includes academic journals published in Taiwan and China and significant Conference Proceedings held by various universities or scholarly associations in Taiwan. It also collects quality academic journals in Chinese or English that were published in the U.S.A., Hong Kong, Malaysia, and other countries. The contents cover six main categories: (1) Humanities; (2) Basic & Applied Sciences; (3) Health & Medical Care; (4) Bio-Agriculture, (5) Engineering, and (6) Social Sciences.

AM Research Methods: Foundations

2. AM Research Methods: Foundations

The Foundations module of AM Research The Foundations module of AM Research Methods introduces key approaches and methodologies of working with source materials. It provides foundational guidance on where students can find historical documents, the questions they might want to post, and how to conduct their research and analysis of materials with practical advice and instruction from experts worldwide.

China and the Modern World. Imperial China and the West. Part I, 1815–1881

3. China and the Modern World. Imperial China and the West. Part I, 1815–1881

It consists of material relating to the internal politics of China and Britain, their relationship, and the relationships between other Western powers keen to benefit from the growing trading ports of the Far East. It also provides correspondence from the Factories of Canton (modern Guangzhou) and the missionaries and interpreters who entered China in the early 19th century, as well as the envoys and missions sent to China from Britain and the later legation and consulates.

DBpia4. DBpia
DBpia is a full-text database of academic journals and articles published in South Korea and specifically designated for students and researchers of Korean studies & East Asian studies. It covers the subjects of agriculture, arts, engineering, humanities, medical science, natural science, social science and so on and so forth.
Digital Dissertation Consortium 國際博碩士論文全文資料庫5. Digital Dissertation Consortium 國際博碩士論文全文資料庫
It contains the most comprehensive, diverse, and relevant multidisciplinary full-text dissertations and theses from the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses that were subscribed by more than 110 consortium members in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Gale Digital Scholar Lab6. Gale Digital Scholar Lab
It provides a cloud-based platform for applying digital humanities tools for analysis to customize raw text datasets from Library’s subscription in Gale Primary Sources. The data sets can be analyzed using text analysis and visualization tools built into the Gale Digital Scholar Lab. Digital humanities analysis methods include: Named Entity Recognition, Topic Modelling, Parts of Speech, and more.
General George C. Marshall's Mission to China, 1945-19477. General George C. Marshall's Mission to China, 1945-1947
This collection contains the complete records of the Marshall mission and is among the best English language sources available for studying Chinese political and military situations following World War II, as well as U.S. policy. It includes the minutes of Marshall's meetings, reports, and memoranda that were prepared by U.S. advisers.
KRpia8. KRpia
KRpia is a keyword-searchable full-text database of books, monographs, documents, encyclopedias, dictionaries and multimedia files in history-geography, literature, art, philosophy, social science, natural science, culture and completed works dictionary.
Oxford Bibliographies. British and Irish Literature9. Oxford Bibliographies. British and Irish Literature
It includes expert recommendations on the best works available in British and Irish literature; from a chapter, a book, a journal article, a website, and an archive. Each article includes an introduction written by a top scholar in the field.
Oxford Bibliographies. Chinese Studies10. Oxford Bibliographies. Chinese Studies
Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies is a multi- and inter-disciplinary enterprise covering the study of China across all disciplines. It provides an authoritative guide to the critical works across the whole field, pointing researchers and practitioners at all levels to the most important scholarship in European languages as well as in Chinese and Japanese and giving scholars working in other fields easier access to scholarship in China.
Oxford Bibliographies. Cinema and Media Studies11. Oxford Bibliographies. Cinema and Media Studies
Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies consists of film history, television studies, media studies, critical theory, visual arts, cultural studies, digital culture, game studies, popular culture, and the study of the moving image. It has recruited many of the most excellent scholars in the field of cinema and media studies to carefully organized, thoroughly peer-reviewed accounts of the most important books, articles, and websites.
Oxford Bibliographies. Classics12. Oxford Bibliographies. Classics
Oxford Bibliographies in Classics not only possessed a long history with critical literature but also was a highly active field with new discoveries, interpretations, and theories. It allows scholars and students to solve the problem with a reliable and authoritative method.
Oxford Bibliographies. Literary and Critical Theory13. Oxford Bibliographies. Literary and Critical Theory
Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory provide clearly-signposted pathways through the different areas and make explicit references to the other disciplines which feed into and are often transformed by literary theory.
Oxford Bibliographies. Psychology14. Oxford Bibliographies. Psychology
Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology is a quick, comprehensive, and efficient source for exploring or staying current with the growing science of psychology. It provides a ready, reliable resource for scholars and researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to access classic, contemporary, and cutting-edge scholarship in psychology.
Oxford Bibliographies. Social Work15. Oxford Bibliographies. Social Work
Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work provides research guides that combine peer-reviewed annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia on social work. It allows professionals and scholars to access new discoveries, interpretations and theories in the field of Social Work.
Oxford Bibliographies. Sociology16. Oxford Bibliographies. Sociology
Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology is designed to provide authoritative guidance to studying society and human behaviour, a highly active discipline that is constantly changing and expanding.
Oxford Bibliographies. Victorian Literature17. Oxford Bibliographies. Victorian Literature
Oxford Bibliographies in Victorian Literature offers a reliable, up-to-date, and authoritative guide to the best literature in the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901.
RepRisk18. RepRisk
RepRisk is a business intelligence provider specialized in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. It includes public and private companies of any size, in every sector and location, including emerging and frontier markets.
SPORtdiscus19. SPORTDiscus
SPORTDiscus provides comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport, recreation, exercise physiology, sports medicine, coaching, physical fitness, the psychology, history and sociology of sport, training, and conditioning. This database contains more than 1.7 million records with journal and monograph coverage going back to 1800.
State Papers Online Colonial: Asia, Part I: Far East, Hong Kong, and Wei-Hai-Wei20. State Papers Online Colonial: Asia, Part I: Far East, Hong Kong, and Wei-Hai-Wei
It is the first part of a major new programme bringing the British Colonial Office files to the global audience. It contains the Colonial Office files on Hong Kong and the naval port, Wei-hai-Wei, as well as the series on Asia more generally.
The Sunday Times Historical Archive, 1822–201621. The Sunday Times Historical Archive, 1822–2016
This archive is an important UK newspaper from 1822 until 2016 and has consistently offered thoughtful analysis and commentary on the week’s news and society. It is a critical resource for the humanities and social sciences, especially in history, media studies, journalism, literature, cultural studies, politics, theatre, and as well as family history and genealogy.
Thomson/Refinitiv ESG22. Thomson/Refinitiv ESG
It is designed to transparently and objectively measure a company’s relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main subjects (emissions, environmental product innovation, human rights, shareholders, etc.) based on publicly-reported data.
中共黨史經典文獻數據庫 History of the Communist Party of China Database23. 中共黨史經典文獻數據庫 History of the Communist Party of China Database
“中共黨史經典文獻數據庫 History of the Communist Party of China Database” 是建黨建國以來重要文獻。本數據庫包括中央領導人及老一輩革命家的著作、自傳、年譜、手稿等,是深入分析和了解現當代中國各行業、各領域發展情況的知識服務平台。
中華文史學術論著庫24. 中華文史學術論著庫
“中華文史學術論著庫” 的資源涵蓋文學、歷史、哲學等專業學科,分為學術期刊和學術專著兩大類,為專業人士了解學術動態,回顧研究歷史,閱讀經典成果提供友好的閱讀服務體驗。
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 太平天國史料庫25. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 太平天國史料庫
“太平天國史料庫” 收錄鳳凰出版社《太平天國史料彙編》和其他與太平天國運動相關的史料文獻,包括詩文、筆記、日記、書信、奏稿、電報等,是作為了解和研究太平天國運動及相關歷史的重要資料庫。
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 中外交通專題庫26. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 中外交通專題庫
“中外交通專題庫” 收錄近代中國與世界各國包括英國、法國、德國、美國、俄國、日本等交通往來情況的相關資源。除外交檔案資料外,亦包含海外考察報告、遊記、外交家個人文集、日記、書信、外交事件、外交史研究論著等圖書資源,是研究中國近代政治和外交的重要史料。
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 日記書信專題庫27. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 日記書信專題庫
“日記書信專題庫” 收錄晚清民國時期約一百二十多種的日記和書信資源。日記書信多為著者的所見所聞、內心感想、學術交遊記錄等,大部分內容是當時官書及一般史籍沒有記載的,涉及晚清民國時期的政治、經濟、軍事、學術、文藝等眾多領域的史事。
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 民國八大期刊庫28. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 民國八大期刊庫
“民國八大期刊庫” 收錄中華書局在民國時期出版的八種期刊:《中華教育界》、《中華小說界》、《中華實業界》、《中華婦女界》、《中華學生界》、《大中華》、《中華童子界》以及《兒童畫報》。這八種期刊在民國初期曾風行一時,有 “八大期刊” 的美譽。本庫有助於研究
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 紅色經典報刊庫29. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 紅色經典報刊庫
“紅色經典報刊庫” 收錄中國共產黨於1915-1949 年間相關的歷史文獻資料,主要為中國共產黨直接或間接領導及參與創辦的報刊。這些報紙期刊記錄了中國共產黨的活動情況,為相關研究提供實用的文獻資料。
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 近現代人物歷史專題庫30. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 近現代人物歷史專題庫
“近現代歷史人物專題庫” 以人物為主題,匯集該人物的自著與他者著述等相關文獻,收錄三百多位晚清民國歷史人物,包括林則徐、魏源、李鴻章、曾國藩、康有為、梁啟超、孫中山等,涉及政界、軍界、工商界、文教界、學術界、科技界、文藝界、宗教界等不同領域,為近現代人物及相關文史研究提供了豐富的文獻資料。
晚清民國文獻平臺 : 重大歷史事件專題庫31. 晚清民國文獻平臺 : 重大歷史事件專題庫
“重大歷史事件專題庫” 收錄以近現代史上重大歷史事件為主題的相關資料,涵蓋鴉片戰爭、第二次鴉片戰爭、太平天國、洋務運動、維新運動、辛亥革命、反帝運動、新文化運動以及抗日戰爭等,是研究晚清民國近代史、革命史的重要參考資料。
萬方數據 : 中國學位論文全文數據庫 Wanfang Data : China Dissertations Database32. 萬方數據 : 中國學位論文全文數據庫 Wanfang Data : China Dissertations Database
“萬方數據 : 中國學位論文全文數據庫 Wanfang Data : China Dissertations Database” 收錄中國內地多間高等院校, 研究生院及研究所的碩士,博士及博士後的論文全文資料。涵蓋基礎科學、理學、工業技術、人文科學、社會科學、醫藥衛生、 農業科學、交通運輸、航空航天和環境科學等各學科領域,圖書館現正訂購 “人文社科” 。

Featured New Journals