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Professor Mok Ka-ho speaks of Lingnan’s achievements and plans on Metro Radio show

Group Photo with the host and guests


Professor Mok Ka-ho, Vice-President of Lingnan University (LU), recently appeared on Metro Info’s Live and Learn programme as a guest speaker to share LU’s future plans and latest achievements. The other guest speaker was Professor Ching May-bo, Head of the Department of Chinese and History at the City University of Hong Kong. During the one-hour show hosted by Lam Wai-man and Yuen Tak-wai, the two scholars discussed various topics, from their vision of education to Chinese language and culture.


Professor Mok mentioned that LU is ranked second globally in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 (Quality Education), and Baptist University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong respectively came fourth and fifth. More than 1,300 higher education institutions participated in the ranking. Professor Mok expressed delight at LU’s excellent ranking. He also said the fact that three local universities were among the top five is great news for the institutions and for Hong Kong as a whole, not least because the city has been through many challenges in the past few years.


Professor Mok also noted that LU has stepped up efforts in recent years to strengthen its postgraduate and PhD programmes. Currently the ratio of undergraduates to postgraduates at LU is six to four, and it will change to five to five in the future. As an important education hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is favoured by many postgraduate students at home and abroad, which is why the majority of postgraduates at LU are from mainland China, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world, he added.


Looking forward, Professor Mok said LU will continue to place a premium on liberal arts education while giving importance to both postgraduate and undergraduate education. Efforts will also be made to nurture professional talents. Aligning its policy with the future development of Hong Kong and the country as a whole, LU will strive to broaden students’ horizons and deepen their understanding of the Greater Bay Area via various means, such as collaborating with local and overseas higher education institutions.


Professor Mok also pointed out that as part of its multi-campus strategy, LU has established teaching centres in Mei Foo and Prince Edward, and this geographical coverage will further expand in September 2023, when LU will set up an office and a teaching centre occupying two floors at the M+ building in the West Kowloon Cultural District. Students on LU’s art, culture, and design-related programmes will attend classes there and have the opportunity to gain internship experience at M+. LU will be the only higher education institution in Hong Kong that has a presence at the museum. Also in the pipeline is a research centre and a teaching centre in Qianhai, Shenzhen, which may pave the way for LU to launch education programmes in the Greater Bay Area in the future, Professor Mok added.


To listen to the radio programme broadcast on 6 June 2023, please click here.