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Staff-Student Consultation Committee

Terms of reference

a) To promote understanding between students and teaching staff;

b) To consider feedback from students regarding teaching, learning and course evaluation and issues of importance for enhancing teaching and learning quality;

c) To consider any other matters of concern to students;

d) To review and monitor the learning and teaching quality assurance mechanisms and processes within the programme;

e) To provide feedback to students on changes made to courses and teaching in response to the Course Teaching and Learning Evaluation exercise; and

f) To formulate strategies in helping students to learn more effectively.


Chairman :

Programme Director for the MAIA Programme or his/her representative
Members :

At least two staff teaching for the Programme in the current academic year

At least three student representatives from variety of education/training/working backgrounds in current academic year

Co-opted : If any, up to two co-opted members as appropriate member

Secretary :

To be appointed by the Chairman