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70 per cent of respondents use electronic vouchers for daily purchases, LU survey shows

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Media Coverage:
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A recent online survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University (LU) found that more than half of the respondents use three or more electronic payment tools for daily purchases, reflecting a growing acceptance of electronic payment in the community. Octopus, Alipay and WeChat Pay are the most common payment tools.

The research, entitled “Hong Kong Electronic Consumer Vouchers: A Study on Consumers’ Intention to Receive and Use Consumer Vouchers”, collected 6,154 consumers’ views towards the Government’s  Consumption Voucher Scheme and their electronic payment habits. In mid-May 2021, in cooperation with HK01, the research team conducted a 14-day survey via an online platform targeting Hong Kong citizens aged 18 or above.

Forty-three per cent of the respondents indicated that they will get electronic consumption vouchers through Octopus, followed by Alipay (25%), WeChat Pay (9%), and Tap-and-Go (3%). In terms of consumption pattern, almost 70 per cent of the respondents will use vouchers to purchase daily necessities and food, and about 70 per cent choose to use them in supermarkets. It is estimated that the scheme mainly benefits the local retail and catering industry. More than half of the respondents are willing to pay extra to purchase more expensive goods, reflecting that the distribution of consumer vouchers can stimulate consumer spending. In addition, one in six respondents expressed their willingness to donate the vouchers to charities to help people in need.

Survey results imply that the Government’s Consumption Voucher Scheme will stimulate consumption, encourage more consumers and merchants to use electronic payment tools, and accelerate the digital transformation of Hong Kong’s economy.

The research team suggests that the Government or relevant departments set up a hotline for citizens to inquire about the scheme. Since the elderly and low-income families seldom access websites or use mobile apps, the Government and community services should help these groups to understand and use electronic payment.



該研究題為「香港電子消費券:關於消費者領取和使用消費券意向的研究」, 目的是瞭解消費者對政府派發電子消費券的意見及使用電子支付工具的習慣。研究團隊與《香港01》合作,於2021年5月中於網上進行了為期14日的電子消費券問卷調查,訪問對象為18歲或以上香港市民,收集了6,154份有效問卷回應。




The research is supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund)