The Liberal Arts University in Hong Kong
The Liberal Art University in Hong Kong
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Marketing / Marketing and Social Media* Major in the BBA (Hons) Programme

Business organisations have long recognised the importance of staying in touch with customers, staying ahead of competitors, and staying together with different internal and external stakeholders in response to new demands and challenges. Inspired to infuse in students such a customer-, competitor-, and market- oriented mindset, Lingnan's Marketing/ Marketing and Social Media Major aims to train up students' entrepreneurial, innovative, and administrative skills to capture markets of today and the future. Graduates of the Major are adaptive, creative and well-equipped to capture opportunities arising out of a highly competitive business environment. Our graduates are employed in various exciting fields including banking and finance, marketing communications and consultancy services, hospitality and tourism, social media, trading and international businesses. Over the years, they have made significant progress in their careers and taken up important leadership positions in work and in the communities.


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

More Information about Undergraduate Programmes

Our Minor Programmes

The Department launches Minor in Marketing, Minor in Social Media Management and Minor in Global Business to undergraduate students.  Student may qualify for a Minor after successfully completion of courses specified in the curriculum concerned.

Minor in Global Business (*NEW*)

Minor in Social Media Management (*NEW*)

Minor in Marketing (Since 2002)

    More Information about Minor Programmes


* The Title of "Marketing Major" will be revised to "Marketing and Social Media Major", applicable to 2022 Year 1 Intakes and 2024 Year 3 Intakes.

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