Subsite Background

Prof. Albert KO

2008 Young Engineer of the Year Award Grand Prize 傑出青年工程師 – HK Institution of Engineers
2008 HK Outstanding Volunteer Award 傑出義工獎 – HK Agency for Volunteer Services
2010 愛心獎 – HK & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund
2011 全球熱愛生命獎 – Chou, Tai-Kuan Foundation
2014 IBM Global Entrepreneur of the Year Award
2021 Enginpreneurs Award - HK Institution of Engineers
2021 MUSE Product Design Award
2021 Chicago Good Design Award
2022 Geneva Invention Exhibition Gold Award
Visiting Professor of University of Toronto
Visiting Research Fellow of Darwin College, University of Cambridge
Visiting Professor of Guangdong University of Technology
Programme Director of:

Albert is a tech entrepreneur, award-winning engineer, experienced disaster relief worker and dedicated educator. His research interests include artificial intelligence, search and rescue robots, humanitarian technology and rural water and sanitation systems.

Albert was the first Hong Kong engineer to join Medecins Sans Frontiers’ field missions in 2000. He volunteered in South Sudan during the civil war, Uzbekistan during 911, Indonesia during the South Asia Tsunami, Pakistan during the Kashmir earthquake, and Sichuan during the Wenchuan earthquake. Albert has also served as board members and advisors for major international relief organizations, including MSF and Red Cross. Throughout his career, Albert has travelled to over 100 cities in 25 countries.

Albert co-founded INSIGHT Robotics with 2 friends in 2009 and developed world’s most accurate wildfire detection robot to protect valuable natural resources. The Company now has over 50 staff from 12 nationalities based in 5 offices around the globe. IBM named INSIGHT Robotics as Global Entrepreneur of the Year in 2014 for its cutting-edge technology and social contributions.

In 2017, Albert joined Lingnan University and developed Hong Kong’s first liberal arts entrepreneurship education programme. The Programme is benefiting over 2500 students and community members every year. Albert teaches “Design Methods for Creative Problem Solving”, "Humanitarian Technology" and “Inclusive Entrepreneurship”. His courses, that emphasize team teaching and interdisciplinary learning, aims to stimulate students to apply technology and design methods to solving social and humanitarian problems.

Albert is serving as Director of Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative (LEI), Director of Service-Learning and Programme Director of two master programmes, MA in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (SEIM) and MS in Humanitarian Technology and Inclusive Business (HTIB), in Lingnan University. He is also a Visiting Professor at Centre for Global Engineering at University of Toronto and Visitng Research Fellow at Darwin College, Cambridge University.


Dr. Albert Ko

[email protected]

+852 2616 8059


YouTube: Humanitarian Engineer - Prof. Albert Ko