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Advisory Board

Term of Reference

An Advisory Board comprising of esteemed scholars and practitioners in the field of development economics will be established. The role of the Advisory Board is to act as an interface between the community and the programme. Chairman and members of the Board are to be nominated by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

An Advisory Board shall normally meet once a year to help plan and keep under review the following aspects of work including future developments:

  • a) level and length of courses/programme(s) concerned in relation to local needs;
  • b) the relevance of the courses/programme(s) in relation to the local needs;
  • c) the prospects of local employment for graduates;
  • d) the adequacy of the equipment and other resources of the academic unit(s) to fulfil local needs;
  • f) investigation consultancy and other services given by the academic unit(s); and
  • g) keep under review the assistance which the community can give to further the objectives of the University in the subject concerned by way of practical training facilities, the provision of part-time teaching staff and equipment, the award of scholarships, student-fellowships, etc.

  • Membership

    Chairman: To be nominated by the Convener and appointed by the Senate
    Convener: Programme Director
    Members: To be nominated by the Convener and appointed by the Senate
    Dean concerned (ex-officio)
    Secretary: To be appointed by the Convener
    Observers and Advisers: The Committee may invite any persons (such as alumni and other stakeholders) to attend any meeting as observers or advisers


    Dr. WONG Yau-kar. David, G.B.S., B.B.S., J.P. Managing Director of United Overseas Investments Limited
    Chairman of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
    Members (listed here in alphabetical order by the member’s surname):
    Prof. LUI T. Francis, B.B.S., J.P. Former Associate Dean of the Business School at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    Honorary Director, China Economic Research Programme, Lingnan University
    Mr. PANG Yat-ting, Dominic Chairman and Executive Director of Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited
    Vice-President, The Hong Kong Real Property Federation
    Mr. TAN Sunny Deputy Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Industries
    Executive Vice President, Luen Thai Holdings Limited
    Prof. YUAN Yue Chairman, Dataway Horizon Group
    Prof. ZHANG Ping Professor, Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
    Vice Director, National Institute for Finance & Development, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
    Director, Research Center of Listed Companies, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)