Subsite Background

3 mins works 3分鐘熱度

3 Mins Works is a handmade accessories brand with a playful and fun style. “3 Mins Works” in Cantonese stands for a short-lived passion. It is to encourage living in the moment, also a reminder of keeping the passion when focusing on handcrafting art.


The Issue

Art and creative industry in Hong Kong are not prevalent, but due to the COVID-19 more people turn their perspective to local consumption, Including the completion of K11 and the reopening of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, more locals began to appreciate local art.


The Solution

So as an Art student she makes her effort to be a part of the handcrafters in Hong Kong. She hopes the existence of 3 Mins Works is a contribution to the creative industry, helps to promote the unique Hong Kong art and culture to local people. Moreover to raise people's awareness and interest in the handmade products and market in Hong Kong.



3 Mins Works have obtained business registration and participated in the two big weekend markets taking place in D2 Place, a trendy shopping center supporting local arts. Moreover, 3 Mins Works have gained over 1000 followers by the end of 2021, which is a grateful achievement to small-scale businesses. They also have held a giveaway event to thanks the support of the loyal customers.



People who interested in Custom handmade accessories


Project Team

Pun Kwan Hang, Iris


Funding Source

Graduate Support Fund 2020 - 2021


Project Classification

Online business: IG Shop / Art Industry, handmade accessories, creative decorations