Update of work arrangements (4 March 2022) (只有英文版)

  • 2019新型冠狀病毒
  • 工作安排


In view of the recent surge in confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases among LU staff and in response to the Government’s appeal for expanding work from home arrangements, the University will further expand such arrangements starting from 8 March 2022 (Tuesday) until further notice.


Subject to the maintenance of essential services required for online classes and other basic services, Heads of Departments/Offices/Units are given discretion, with the approval of their supervisors, to allow their staff to work from home as much as possible, and scale down services provided by their units as a result of a reduction of on-campus manpower. The adjustments can be reflected in service hours, scopes, and/or frequency.


The University will continue to monitor the situation closely and adopt appropriate precautionary measures required to maintain safety on our campus, and will resume normal office operations when conditions permit.


Please continue to stay on high alert and maintain good personal hygiene.


Office of Communications and Public Affairs

4 March 2022