New books on the shelf

Blockchain Intelligence

Blockchain intelligence: methods, applications and challenges

Editors: Prof Dai Hong-ning, Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Decision Sciences (with Zheng Zibin and Wu Jiajing)

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd


This book discusses how the use of AI could improve blockchain systems and promote blockchain intelligence. It describes data extraction, exploration and analytics on representative blockchain systems such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. It also includes data analytics on smart contracts, misbehaviour detection on blockchain data, and market analysis of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies.


Comparative Literature Around the World: Global Practice

Comparative Literature Around the World: Global Practice

Editors: Eugene Eoyang Chen, Professor Emeritus (with Zhou Gang and Jonathan Hart)

Publisher: Honoré Champion


The book is a collection of essays that describes what comparatists do globally, rather than prescribes what comparatists should be. This volume of descriptive essays is important for understanding how Comparative Literature has been practiced around the world.